Stan Meeting March 28,2019

Duco: Shinystan and annotation project with Bob.

Matthijs: Working on chickens problem, job talk, lazy code motion.

Lauren: Working on papers, creating weights.

Breck: Call for tutorials for Stancon.

Bob: Learning OCaml, lots of writing. Code review.

Mitzi: Working on Cmd Stan, determined that collate utility is not a good idea. Doc for 2.19 done.

Paul: Gave Stan workshop.

Aki: Rhat paper submitted, no changes to 2.19. Looking at what changes should make into Stan. StanLM is fast.

Ben: Trying to release RStan 2.19 and trying to get some of the new Rhat stuff in. Starting teaching at NYU.

Andrew: Working on chicken problem.

General meeting

Discussion of performance and priors around LM and GLM.