Andrew: Conversations about RStan i/o. Update schedule to interface. Chasing funding.
Matthijs: Discrete param stuff with Rhea, Ryan Bernstien and static analysis discussion. Spoke with Steven Edwards also. Compiler work.
Duco: Working on eliciting priors from users. Visiting.
Breck: SGB stuff, StanCon stuff, fundraising.
Sean: Working with Steve and Roc on PRs. Worked on simulation based calibration. Working on maprect. Stan compiler.
Jonah: R packages prep for release, Loo, Bayes plot, ShinyStan and so on.
Charles: Playing around kinsol (sp?)
Mitzi: Pull request for stand alone generated quantities. Met with Advait on Bayes Workflow.
Bob: Applied to Flat Iron, Duco meeting about annotation models.
Paul: Gave BRMS/Stan workshop in Zurich, more BRMS work.
Ben: Met with Andrew/Aki RStan stuff. Working on Rpackage releases. Appying small grant with Micheal Andre.
Aki: Working on Regression and other Stories. Getting good results for adaptation faster and more robust.
Sebastian: ODE pull request efforts.
General session:
Sebastian: Discussed threading issues.
Sebastian: Discussed getting PRs processed.
Matthijs: Parallel For Loop
When do we switch to C++ 17? Limited by R.
Will we get threading into next release. 2.19 will have GPU integration hopefully.