July 25, 2019 11am EDT Stan General Meeting

Hangouts Link: https://meet.google.com/gzm-wmum-pfm

Instructions: Ask to attend in the hangouts interface and someone should let you in in the first 10 minutes of the meeting. Email breck@mc-stan.org if you have problems or want to attend the physical meeting in New York City.

Meeting Agenda:

Please add your agenda items in replies.

Charles: Finished Laplace work.

Steve Bronder: Sparse matrices in Stan.

Sebastian: PR on lgamma, working with negbinomial. Looks like TBB on AMD works better than Intel. Looking at parallel design.

Ben Goodrich: Working with Shira, Working on Stan headers for 2.20. Unclear what needs to be done to get faster compiler into RStan, backward compatibility issues.

Jonah: Working on getting RStanArm. Working on MrP, Lauren and he

Lauren: Doing work on column.

Matthijs: Working on compiler optimization fixing bugs

Mitzi: CmdStanPy, meeting with PyLadies, Aug 8 and 14 meetings. Updating 2.20 release docs.

Rok: Open CL pr review and some comparison to Tensor flow, getting JSON data into CmdPyStan.

Sean: New compiler work.

Yi: Torsten

Breck: Please vote on SGB extension