Statistical market researcher

My company is looking for a jack-of-all-trades market researcher. Gradient is a hybrid between a traditional market research firm (traditional polling / surveys) and analytics shop (LTV, churn, attribution, forecasting). We work with both survey and transactional datasets, and work with both NGOs and political campaigns as well as private sector clients. We do a little work with Stan but I am making this an area of investment as many of the things we want to build are difficult in R or are typically done with non-free software (e.g. building a latent class choice model for a discrete choice experiment).

We are looking for someone who can design research programs to answer critical business intelligence challenges — someone who can work at all stages of the project, from refining the hypotheses with the client to developing the research program to collecting the data, executing the analysis and synthesizing and communicating the results.

We’re a four person global (and remote) team with people in New York (that’s me), Paris, the Netherlands (Den Bosch), and Warsaw.

If you’re interested, take our hiring survey which should not take you more than 5 minutes to complete.