StanCon 2019 Streaming

We have completed two days of tutorials in Cambridge UK and have moved to the presented papers portion of the conference. A rough conference schedule is at:

This schedule is not to be trusted at minute precision. Talks run long, things happen. Remember to adjust for time differences.

Streaming should happen on our YouTube channel:

Breck on behalf of the StanCon organizing committee


Thanks for setting this up!

Link to the first day


Hm, can’t seem to see a live feed or video from Friday in the channel; possibly its unlisted? I notice that the video of Thursday that @avehtari posted is unlisted as well but accessible thanks to their posting of the direct link.

Oh, found the last two hours of Friday at least:

Edit: full day is there now.

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Shout-out to committee especially @breckbaldwin for organizing the conference. I can only imagine how much effort went into this.


+1 to what @yizhang said. Great job all around.

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Our local organizer Stan Lazic really gets the credit for the beautiful venue, dinner and overall setup. Well played. Avid Afzal picked up the slack when Stan transitioned to Canada.

Our tutorial instructors are the unsung contributors of 50% of StanCon–

Ben Goodrich
Jonah Sol Gabry
Lauren Kennedy
Mitzi Morris
Aki Vehtari
Charles Margossian
Yi Zhang
Daniel Lee
Jonathan Auerbach
and me.

The tutorials are a ton of work, all went well as best as I can tell. Survey to come.

A great fun party with learning all over.



Thanks for putting up the videos Breck! Also thank you to you and everyone else for organizing everything! It was super fun. I’m looking forward to next year.

My pleasure and it was great to see you.

Let us know if we can help in anyway with your new job.


Thanks for everyone who contributed to making StanCon 2019 such a great event!

Will videos of the individual talks be uploaded to the YouTube channel at some point? The links to the live stream recording are useful, but it would be nice to be able to access individual talks more easily.


StanCon was indeed a great event. Thanks to everyone!
I second @philipm 's question above, and I also wonder when the slides of the presentations will posted online. Maybe not directly to the main StanCon website, but could they be added to ? Thanks in advance!