Matthijs: Speeding up Stan and working on poster for probabilistic programming conference.
Lauren: Survey work, working with raking algo, trying to figure out working with that.
Charles: Sorting out auto diff bug
Breck: Admin, had first Stan Governing Body meeting. Getting ready for NumFOCUS summit, our fiscal sponsor organization for Stan.
Ben Goodrich: Still trying to get Cran to approve Stan. Working with RStudio to get Stan running inside 1GB of memory.
Sean Talts: Helping Mitzi with stacker, getting amazon credits for test server, working on GPU PR.
Paul: Jonah visiting, talking about the R packages. Working on case study on time series models.
Brian: Nothing new to report
Bob: Pull requests, working on new book. Based on user manual. Working on making that code work. RCCP is seg faulting.
Mitzi: Working on Stan book, moving stuff to bookdown. Reviewed pull requests. Keeping an eye on Daniel Lee makefile PR.
Aki: Lots of teaching.
General discussion:
Mitzi/Sean talking about dev issues with docker files.
We should extracting useful features from ARM package.
Should we get a catchbox (microphone that you can throw around in class rooms/conferences. StanCon Helsinki had one)? Yes, Ben wants it for teaching.
Charles: Solving an ODE, what are for increasing dimensions and number of parameters. Seeking input on formalizing complexity analysis.
Matthijs: Asking about autodiff refactor of Bob. Bob responded saying he was just experimenting and reporting on discourse. Might be a big deal for matrix operations. No algo breakthroughs.