Stan funding sources for web page

Hi, everone. We’ve rolled out the first version of our new web pages, and are still fine-tuning the design and presentation.

We would like to include a list of organizations that have provided funding for Stan development. I’m much more familiar with funding we got at Columbia with @andrewgelman, but would like to hear from others on who we should cite. Especially @avehtari and @rok_cesnovar, because I know a lot of work was done in Helsinki and Ljubljana.

I’m not sure whether we should be including so-called in-kind funding, such as companies allowing their employees to contribute to Stan. If we did include that, it would grow the list immensely.

I’m also not sure if we want to tier contributions. There are varying scales here, with top sponsors well over US$1M and smaller sponsers well under US$100K.

I would like to focus on what to include rather than how to present it visually. If you want to follow the design side and the logos/links we collect, here’s the relevant issue: Add footer with funding information · Issue #209 · stan-dev/ · GitHub

I will try to keep this list updated with comments.


Government funding

  • Research Council of Finland (Finland)
  • Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije [ARIS] [Slovenian Research Agency] (Slovenia)
  • Department of Energy [DoE] (United States)
  • National Science Foundation [NSF] (United States)
  • National Institutes of Health [NIH] (United States)
  • Office of Naval Research [ONR] (United States)

Corporate funding

  • Novartis (Switzerland)
  • Jumping Rivers (UK)
  • YouGov (US)
  • Metrum (US)
  • Google (US)
  • Meta (US)

Foundation funding

  • The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (Germany)
  • Flatiron Institute (US)
  • The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (US)
  • Schmidt Futures (US)
  • NumFOCUS (US)

University funding

  • Aalto University (Finland)
  • Columbia University (US)

From me

  • Government funding: Research Council of Finland (Finland)
  • University funding: Aalto University (Finland)