Hi all. Someone was asking me where Stan has been used to study and fight coronavirus. I came up with a few examples; see below. If people have others, please share in this thread.
I’ve limited myself to examples where there is some report or public code; I did not include various ongoing projects that have not produced anything public yet.
The paper is in the works, but I’m in Uni Iceland’s modelling group and our predictions for Iceland were very good. We have been surprised in how well we predicted total cases, and using percentages from Imperial College’s paper from March 16 we were also surprisingly spot on with hospital and ICU predictions.
One good thing that’s come of our website is the Icelandic news has used our figures without having to make their own and having some information lost or accidentally changed in the process.
I don’t know if this thread is still being used, but here’s a new one: Bayesian adjustment for preferential testing in estimating the COVID-19 infection fatality rate: Theory and methods.