I don’t know if this forum is the right place to post this, but here we go:
I posted on a different thread already about 2 meta-analyses on COVID-19 that I did using STAN (first, second). These meta-analyses follow-up on a broader line of work of serology meta-analyses by a team that collected an amazing dataset and that published very impactful COVID-19 research on the severity of the disease and global health inequalities (eg1, eg2).
In the latest work of this line I was the lead analysis person, but now I have to step back to advance my postdoc in neuroscience, which has nothing to do with COVID-19. So, we are in search of people who would be interested in leading the statistical analyses of the follow-ups to this line of work. The dataset collected for this research line still has a lot of unanalyzed parts, which were collected to answer important questions about global inequalities in COVID-19, as well as to understand how the severity of COVID-19 changed through time. First author and last-author positions can be available for the person interested in leading the analysis. There’s also the upside of collaborating with amazing scientists who shaped our understanding of COVID-19 during the pandemic.
So, if you’re a person who wants to apply your statistical knowledge to a unique dataset to better understand COVID-19, and get some first (or last) author papers in the meantime, please get in touch!