SGB election for members (Stan Governing Body)

One way or another an election is coming up for the permanent SGB, our current one is provisional. The details are still being worked out but no proposal I am aware of fails to have elected positions from people in the Stan community.
So, please consider whether you want a leadership position in the SGB. Some items to consider:

  • The SGB is the leadership body that owns Stan’s trademarks, selects StanCons, fund raises and controls spending to support Stan engineering. Our current annual budget is $150,000 USD, that will easily grow to $250k soon.
  • The SGB attends to the care and feeding of the Stan community. This means engineering work, community work and teaching.
  • This is a working SGB meaning that one can expect to spend on average 5 hrs a week working on SGB projects/fundraising/management.
  • SGB members are unpaid.

If you are interested please start thinking about your candidate statements.

If we are honor the votes that created the provisional SGB we should start voting Oct 23, call the election on the 31st, Halloween in the US. This is tight which is why I am raising awareness now.

I imagine that there will be around 5-7 elected positions, As details become clear I will update this thread.


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