I am interested by modeling the force of infection for a given disease: \lambda(a,t) is the force of infection for people of age a and at time t. This is the instantaneous per capita rate at which susceptible individuals of age a acquire infection at time t. Ferguson et al. (1999) explained that Usually the proportion seropositive increases with age, in which case the rate of increase with age can be interpreted as a measure of the ‘intensity’ of infection experiences by the population in the past. Specifically, a large increase in seroprevalence between age a and a+1 could result from a high risk of infection which was specific to that age window but constant through time, or from an age-independent risk that was specific to the time period between a and a+1 years ago, or from any combination of the two. Age- and time-specific effects are invariably confounded in the absence of other data.
Concerning my modeling, I assume that the force of infection depends on time but not on age: \lambda(a,t)=\lambda(t), and that it is piecewise-constant with one value per year: \lambda(t)=\lambda_t. I also assume that the force of infection is constant for years before the 62th year before the time of observation: \lambda_{62}=\lambda_{63}=\ldots,\lambda_{N}, N being the age of the oldest person in my sample. Indeed, the number of individuals aged of more than 62 years is quite small in our sample, we do not have enough data to estimate the force of infection yearly for these years. Eventually, I have some other assumptions I do not write here, as they are not necessary to understand the model.
The data at hand consists of a sample of individuals taken in the whole population of interest, and for each sampled individual we have its age and its status according to the disease: seronegative or seropositive. Hence we can count the number of individuals in the sample of a given age, and the number of indivudals in the sample of a given age that are seronegative. We then have:
a vector, with n[a]
giving the number of individuals in our dataset of age a at the time of observation.
a vector, with n0[a]
giving the number of individuals in our dataset of age a that are seronegative at the time of observation.
The parameter of interest is lambda
a vector, with lambda[a]
giving the force of infection for the a^{th} year before the time of observation.
If we are interested by the status of only one individual of age a at time of observation, the random variable “The individual is seronegative” follows a Bernoulli distribution, and the probability for the individual to be seronegative is the probability to not have been infected the years 1,2,3,\ldots, a before the observation, which is:
e^{-\int_1^a \lambda(u)du}=e^{-\sum_1^a \lambda_j} = e^{-\theta_a} = \delta_a.
If we are interested by the random variable n0[a]
that represents “The number of individuals of age a at time of observation which are seronegative among n[a]
individuals”, we then look at the sum of n[a]
independent and identical Bernoulli variables: it follows a binomial distribution with parameters n[a]
and \delta_a.
My stan model is then the following, with prior distributions for the logit of the components of \lambda that are Normal(0,10).
// The input data:
// 'n0' and 'n' of length 'N' the number of ages observed in the sample.
Résultat de la traduction
it is bewitching
Autres solutions :
data {
int<lower=1> N;
array[N] int<lower=0> n0; //int<lower=0> n0[N];
array[N] int<lower=0> n;//int<lower=0> n[N];
// The parameters of the model.
parameters {
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N] lambda;
real temp;
// Transformed parameters. Here theta and delta calculated from lambda
transformed parameters {
vector[N] theta;
vector[N] delta;
// real delta[N];
theta = cumulative_sum(lambda);
delta = exp(-theta);
// The model to be estimated.
model {
vector[N] logitlambda;
logitlambda = logit(lambda);
// prior
for (i in 1:61){
logitlambda[i] ~ normal(0, 10);
temp ~ normal(0, 10);
for (i in 62:N){
logitlambda[i] = temp;
n0 ~ binomial(n,delta);
Using cmdstanr, this model is compiling and I do not have any error when fitting it with the following simulated data:
data_list <- list(N = 95, n0 = c(6,4,5,6,5,1,5,4,7,1,5,7,4,6,8,5,8,5,16,8,16,37,25,16,16,15,21,21,21,22,23,23,26,11,17,15,16,25,10,14,13,
fit <- mod2$sample(
data = data_list,
seed = 123,
chains = 4,
parallel_chains = 4,
refresh = 500
But there is something I do not understand: I want all the components of lambda (and hence of logitlambda) to be the same from the 62th to the last one (N=95). That is why I wrote in my model
temp ~ normal(0, 10);
for (i in 62:N){
logitlambda[i] = temp;
But when I look at the output, I do not have the same estimates for the components 62 to 95 (and they are quite different from one component to another).
Hence I probably did not write my model correctly. The problem seems to be with the temp parameter: I actualise it at each iteration and ask for all the components of \lambda to be equal to temp from the 62th to the last one, but it is not working.
I could try a model that focus only on the first 61 components of \lambda, dropping the last components that are assumed equal. It would be probably easier. But It would mean that I focus on the first 61 components of n0
and n
, hence dropping all the information given by the individuals older than 62 in my sample. It would be a pity, as including these individuals in my sample took time and money. Moreover, even if they are not numerous, they can bring us some information. That is why I would prefer keeping all the components of my \lambda vector, assuming that the components from the 62th to the last one are equal.