I got 2 year funding to hire a postdoc to work on validation of probabilistic inference approaches and model selection in Stan. Work would be done with Stan team in Aalto, Helsinki and Columbia, New York.
The funding is part of the joint project with Antti Honkela and Arto Klami at University of Helsinki and we are together hiring 3 postdocs. Two other postdocs would work in Helsinki and part of the time in DTU, Denmark (Ole Winther) or Cambridge, UK (Zoubin Ghahramani).
The overall project is about theory and methods for assessing the quality of distributional approximations, improving the inference accuracy by targeting the approximation towards the eventual application goal and by better utilising the available data, e.g., when having data with privacy constraints.
More information about the position and how to apply is here.
You can manage very well in Finland with English and you don’t need to learn any Finnish for the job. Helsinki has been selected many times among world’s top 10 liveable cities https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/helsinki_again_among_worlds_top_10_liveable_cities/9781098