Interest in a Bio/Medical Statistics StanConnect?


I’m trying to gauge interest in a Biostatistics/Medical Statistics-themed StanConnect.

I could present joint work with @GuidoAMoreira on marginalisation, particularly the application on epidemic models in my StanCon2020 presentation.
I also know @tarheel is interested in presenting some stuff.

I’m very keen to keep in line with the other proposals on Ecology and Cognitive (neuro) Science, and if there’s enough interest I can put together an official call.

Tagging @harrelfe, @lcomm, @stemangiola, @wds15 @martinmodrak, @charlesm93, @sambrilleman, @mitzimorris, @ermeel, @arya and @avehtari as people who are either full-blown medical/bio-statisticians or have worked on applications in the area in the past and might want to discuss them or their follow-ups. I have forgotten some people and I apologise in advance.


I’m definitely happy to present on some things I’ve been working on. This is a great idea.


thanks for asking!
yes, I could present on some of the projects I’m involved in.


I’m glad to see this proposed and would be happy to answer questions/discuss.


Sounds like a great idea. I could share some of my work should that fit (use of historical data or phase I dose-escalation in oncology for example).


I could totally see myself attending and possibly also presenting.


Historical data / borrowing in general I think would be a great theme. There are some stuff I’ve done on normalized power prior and some other stuff on hierarchical GLMs.

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I would be interested in such an event. I could talk about combining models using Markov melding and a corresponding survival analysis example.

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Hello, yes I would have one/two project I can present

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