Hi all,
Following up on our previous announcement, @SGB is excited to announce a formal call for proposals for StanConnect 2021.
StanConnect is a virtual miniseries that will consist of several 3-hour meetings/mini-symposia. You can think of each meeting as a kind of organized conference “session.”
- Anyone can feel free to organize a StanConnect meeting as a “Session Chair”. Simply download the proposal form as a docx, fill it out, and submit to SGB via email (board@mc-stan.org) by 2021-04-26T04:00:00Z. The meeting must be scheduled for sometime this year after June 1.
- The talks must involve Stan and be focused around a subject/topic theme. E.g. “Spatial models in Ecology via Stan”.
- You will see that though we provide a few “templates” for how to structure a StanConnect meeting, we are trying to avoid being overly prescriptive. Rather, we are giving Session Chairs freedom to invite speakers related to their theme and structure the 3-hr meeting as they see fit.
If you have any questions, please feel free to post here.
It sounds great!
I’m opening a mini informal call for people interested in cognitive (neuro) science.
I would be interested in an engineering (civil/mechanical/aero/structural/materials) meeting or talk. It would be great to hear if there are any other Stan users in these fields.
Ex civil engineer (seismic and coastal) here. I have two contacts (geotech & structural, they’re not on discourse) interested in presenting and I’m happy to put you guys together. Feel free to set up a thread or ping me.
Would it be possible to extend the deadline in about a week? I have just recently opened up call for abstracts, and despite what seems to be considerable interest, we are still lacking in submissions (presumably) because of the short notice.
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Hey, I’ve put it on the agenda for the @SGB meeting today. I don’t expect any big problems, especially if you expect to be able to have something in such a short term.
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Hey, we’re happy to receive the proposal still. Would be great if you could organize a session. We received some proposals already. Maybe if you are still working on this, you could try and see if date conflicts can be avoided. Other proposals go for the following dates:
- Last week of august
- September 30
- October 4
- November 6
Excited to hear your proposal. Best, SGB