Cognitive (neuro) science StanConnect 2021

I’m sending this to mathpsych, cogsci, CMCL, and AMLAP lists for now.

Dear all,

As part of StanConnect 2021, we intend to propose a session on cognitive science and neuroscience on November 26, 2021, time to be confirmed (depending on the location of the majority of the speakers).

(If you don’t already know, Stan ( is a state-of-the-art platform for statistical modeling and high-performance statistical computation.)

We’re looking for contributed talks for the proposal to StanConnect. If your are interested in giving a talk, please reply in the following discourse thread Cognitive Science and Neuroscience StanConnect 2021 Call for abstracts with a title, a 250-words abstract, and your location/time zone. We’ll receive abstracts until April 21, 2021 11:59 PM (CEST, UTC+02:00). The selection will be based on an open poll in the discourse thread for 24 hours during April 22, 2021 .

Contributed talks should feature Stan implementations that are useful for interesting problems in cognitive science and neuroscience, including computational modeling, psychometrics, classification and prediction, and domain-specific workflows.

Submitting an abstract entails the commitment to a 10-20 minutes talk (tbd) and the submission or link to a self-contained notebook, such as knitr/rmarkdown or Jupyter (by November 12, 2021 ). The notebook should include separate files containing the Stan program, data, initializations if used, and a permissive license for everything such as CC BY 4.0.

The organizers of this StanConnect session welcome and encourage contributions from all scientists. We strongly value diversity and are committed to creating an equitable environment where human diversity is welcomed and respected. While no list can hope to be comprehensive, we explicitly honor diversity in: age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, political beliefs, profession, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.


Please post some abstracts so that the other thread doesn’t feel so lonely :)