I wrote a code using MCMC algorithm where it could calculate the seasonality of a year(Please correct me if my logic and understanding about the algorithm is wrong since I am new to it.).
I wish to add the same time extract the weekly covariance and also the weekly(vectors).
Is there a possible way to implement it the same as FBProphet where it could also input the holidays and events to the stan code? - I tried to check from many sites but could not find an answer and I finally arrived to this site and hope that all the experts here could assist me in editing my code so that it could include the event/holiday(possible ways to extract the information as FBProhphet does).-
If possible, could you provide some possible reference and also some better way of including more regressors to the stan code? In FBProphet we could easily use add_regressor.
Even if just one of the above could be shared is greatly appreciated too.
Below is my stan code
data {
int N;
int N_pred;
vector[N] Y;
parameters {
real<lower=0> sigma_mu;
real<lower=0> sigma_period_yearly;
real<lower=0> sigma_Y;
real c_ar[2];
real mu0;
vector[N] mu;
vector[N] period_yearly;
transformed parameters {
vector[N] y_mean;
y_mean = mu + period_yearly;
model {
mu[2:N] ~ normal(mu[1:N-1], sigma_mu);
for(i in 365:N)
period_yearly[i] ~ normal(-sum(period_yearly[i-364:i-1]), sigma_period_yearly);
Y ~ normal(y_mean, sigma_Y);
generated quantities {
vector[N + N_pred] mu_all;
vector[N + N_pred] period_yearly_all;
vector[N_pred] y_new;
mu_all[1:N] = mu;
period_yearly_all[1:N] = period_yearly;
for (t in 1:N_pred) {
mu_all[N + t] = normal_rng(mu_all[N + t - 1], sigma_mu);
period_yearly_all[N + t] = normal_rng(-sum(period_yearly_all[(N + t - 11):(N + t - 1)]), sigma_period_yearly);
y_new[t] = normal_rng((mu_all[N + t] + period_yearly_all[N + t] ) + trend_all[N + t] + ar_all[N + t], sigma_Y);
Thank you and please kindly assist me.