Modelling a timeseries as a 2D field including AR1 noise and smooth seasonal cycle and trend (new to bayes and stan)

Before I start, hi there Stan community! I’m both new to Bayesian statistics and to Stan, so feel free to comment on anything you think is worth commenting on :)

The goal

I like to model sea surface temperatures (SST) in a region where the seasonal cycle is cutoff during winter months (change of physical processes during sea-ice cover and subsequently change of SST distribution).

I set up the data y^{D\times N} to have two dimensions: D = the number of days that I have per year; and N = the number of years.

For the model, I like the mean and trend to be very smooth along D. So I employ GPs (kernels K_1 and K_2). And I also like to have the noise to be AR1.

  • length of dayofyear dimension D approx. 290
  • length of year dimension N approx. 20

So I think the model I want should look (something) like this:

a(d) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_0(d), \vec{K}_1)
b(d) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \vec{K}_2)
\varepsilon(d,n) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \vec{AR1}_\text{cov})
y(d,n) \sim a(d) + b(d) \times \text{year}(n) + \varepsilon(d,n)

I have a prior \mu_0 for each dayofyear at t_0 (and technically also a variance, but I decided to ignore that until it works at least a little).

The (wrong) model

The code below is a stage of my code which I was able to run (although it took forever and terminated before it finished with a file-not-found error related to some (maybe) temporary file). Anyway, it is not really what I aim for (see block thereafter, for what I actually try to do).

So here the code that I could write and run:

data {
  int<lower=1> D;
  int<lower=1> N;
  array[D] int<lower=1> doy;
  array[D] real<lower=0> sig_0;
  array[N] int year;
  array[D, N] real y;
  vector[D] mu_0;
transformed data {
  matrix[D, D] K1 = gp_exp_quad_cov(doy, 0.2, 1.0 * D);
  matrix[D, D] K2 = gp_exp_quad_cov(doy, 0.05, 3.0 * D);
  for (d in 1:D) {
    K1[d, d] = K1[d, d] + 0.01;
    K2[d, d] = K2[d, d] + 0.01;
parameters {
  real<lower=0> rho;
  real<lower=0> sigma_annual;
  vector[D] a;
  vector[D] b;
  vector[D] epsilon;
transformed parameters {
  matrix[D, D] AR1;
  for (i in 1:D) {
    for (j in 1:D) {
      AR1[i, j] = rho^(abs(i-j));
  matrix[D, D] sigma_AR1;
  sigma_AR1 = diag_matrix(10.0 * to_vector(sig_0)) * AR1 * diag_matrix(10.0 * to_vector(sig_0));
model {
  rho ~ beta(1, 1);
  a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1);
  b ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), K2);
  sigma_annual ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(1, 1);

  for (n in 1:N) {
    epsilon ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), sigma_AR1);
    for (d in 1:D) {
      y[d, n] ~ normal(a[d] + b[d] * year[n] + epsilon[d], sigma_annual);

The (invalid) model

Now the above doesn’t have actual slice-wise autocorrelation (for each year=N), so what I think what I actually want is more like this:

model {
  rho ~ beta(1, 1);
  a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1);
  b ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), K2);

  for (n in 1:N) {
      epsilon[n] ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), sigma_AR1)
      y[:, n] = a + b * year[n] + epsilon[n];

but that is not Stan syntax. I’ve seen how this could work if I hadn’t this extra dimension (or at least I am personally unable to translate the example to my problem). Anyway, I have trouble finding answers (or the right search prompt) to solve the problems in the code.

The (vague) question

I know this is quite vague, but anyway: What can I do to get this running?

Beyond the wrong model, there are probably many problems in my code, feel free to comment on them too :)


Hi, @ezra_eisbrenner and welcome to the Stan forums.

Let me start by saying this is a very challenging place to start with Bayes and Stan. Even for seasoned Bayesian Stan devs, we recommend starting with simpler models that work then add complexity one component at a time. It’s usually much easier to improve a working model than to debug a model that doesn’t work.

What’s with all the superscript D everywhere? From the Stan code, it looks like a^D is just a D-dimensional vector, so I’m guessing the superscript is part of the name of variable a. Personally, I find superscripts as part of the name of a variable very confusing, but @andrewgelman does it everywhere in his books, so there’s no way I can stem the tide of people copying his coding practices. And why is \epsilon subscripted with n when it looks like it’s a D-vector?

I’d urge you not to name your variables things like AR1. Also, it’s much and much more efficient to code an AR(1) process directly in Stan rather than working through a covariance matrix. Every time you have a multivariate normal, Stan needs to solve that matrix (residual inverse products plus determinants) and calculate derivatives. For AR(1) variables you can just do this:

functions {
  real ar1_lpdf(vector y, real beta1, real beta2, real sigma) {
    int N = rows(y);
    return normal_lpdf(y[2:N] | beta1 + beta2 * y[1:N-1], sigma);

and then you can just use

epsilon ~ ar1(beta1, beta2, sigma);

where beta1, beta2 are the AR coefficients and sigma is the scale.

If you have rho ~ beta(1, 1), that implies rho is being given a uniform distribution over (0, 1). That means you need to declare rho with constraint <lower=0, upper=1> or you’ll get all kinds of errors and warnings for values out of bounds.

The for loop over N is wrong in that you’re applying the prior for epsilon a total of N times (equivalent to raising it to the Nth power). Instead, you want to pull that epsilon ~ ar1(…)` out of the loop as it should only get the prior once.

The final regression loop can be made much more efficient with vectorization, e.g.,

for (n in 1:N) {
  y[d] ~ normal(a[d] + b[d] * year + epsilon[d], sigma_annual);

But this looks rather non-identified with a[d] and epsilon[d] as additive terms (you can add a constant to a and subtract from epsilon without changing the likelihood.

What’s the motivation for a scaled inverse chi-square prior on the scale sigma_annual?

It’s faster to define rep_vector(0, D) as transformed data and re-use rather than reallocating and copying in for every use.

I’m not sure why you’re saying the line isn’t Stan syntax. I think the problem is more declaration than types. For example, you are declaring epsilon as a D-vector, but seem to be using it as if it were a matrix whose rows were D-vectors.


Hi @Bob_Carpenter, and first, thank you!

Well, I tried to make it better readable, and apparently I didn’t :) (1) you’re right, with the D’s I just wanted to show the dimension; (2) the subscript n then was just fully confusing of me to use, since that changed the notation halfway down. I updated the formulas, I hope this is better! I am new to the use of the \sim sign and thus never quite sure if I use it correctly when there is more than one dimension.

I also had a typo in the equation for y(d,n), I wrote b(d) \times y_n instead of b(d) \times \text{year}(n) (it’s corrected now).

Noted, and going to update that while rewriting the code!

Below, I go a bit into the reasoning for what I did. For now, I need a bit more time to understand the function and how I’d go about implementing it. I will do that today and come back later to ask more questions :)

Yes, I got all those warnings, I didn’t knew that I could have an upper bound!

I agree, and a simpler example would have been better for me to handle (I tried first without an ar1, see code all the way at the bottom). But at the time, when I started, this example came up in my data (partially ice covered ocean regions), so I ended up trying it on the data I knew. And I did indeed got it running up to some point (see image below). Although it never did what I thought it should (I tried to heavily smooth a (mean) and b (trend) along D since there is no physical reason for those to be jagged).

The last version where I got results had epsilon outside the loop:

model {
  rho ~ beta(1, 1);
  a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1);
  b ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), K2);
  epsilon ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), sigma_AR1);
  sigma_annual ~ scaled_inv_chi_square(10, 1);

  for (d in 1:D) {
    for (n in 1:N) {
      y[d, n] ~ normal(a[d] + b[d] * year[n] + epsilon[d], sigma_annual);

which yielded this

(the red colors are simply 2D histograms of the posterior samples of a, b, and \varepsilon, and a simple histogram of sigma_annual, the black lines are the prior means of each of the variables)


(the empty stripes are years where there are nan values in the observations, which threw an error, so I excluded them)

The results, however, are like a static SST field, epsilon does not represent the random variability from year to year as intended (and sigma_annual cannot do that reasonably either). So that is why I tried to have \varepsilon to be calculated for each n separately.

Regarding sigma_annual, that variable I only implemented because I couldn’t figure out how to sample from epsilon directly for each y(d,n) in the nested loop. I first thought of a truncated normal, and after googling that, I didn’t think I could implement it, so I went with something else that is positive and decays for larger values (though it looks like the hyperparameters I chose didn’t do any good).

I couldn’t figure out how to vectorize in my case. I don’t yet know what is possible, what is not. For example, in your example you sample for y[d] but d seems to me like its not defined, so I wouldn’t have thought of this as possible to do. I’ll try this too later today!

Its probably me just confusing what the real problem is. Anyway, I tried a few things there, and I always get errors back. In the version here, I think Stan would complain that y is not from this block and cannot be written directly into. But y is my data, so I don’t want to re-allocate y in the model block, do I?

I also tried to sample directly a multi_normal, I don’t have the exact version that I tried anymore, but something like this

vector[D] a;
a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1);
for (n in 1:N) {
    y[n] ~ multi_normal(a, sigma_AR1); // for testing just a and not a + b * year[n]

but even with vector[D] a; declared, it would complain that a is not a vector but an array (because of the sampling a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1); transforming it into an array with length of the draws, I assume?)

Well, all of this is down to me not knowing my ways around Stan just yet.

Thanks, going to do this!

early stage code to get a feel for stan

Now, here just my starting point before I tried to implement the ar1:

data {
  int<lower=1> D;
  int<lower=1> Y;
  array[Y, D] real y;
  array[D] int<lower=1> doy;
  array[Y] int year;
  vector[D] mu_0;
  array[D] real<lower=0> sig_0;
transformed data {
  matrix[D, D] K1 = gp_exp_quad_cov(doy, 1000.0, 10000.0);
  matrix[D, D] K2 = gp_exp_quad_cov(doy, 1000.0, 10000.0);
  for (d in 1:D) {
    K1[d, d] = K1[d, d] + 1000.0 * sig_0[d];
    K2[d, d] = K2[d, d] + 10000.0 * 0.1;
parameters {
  vector[D] a;
  vector[D] b;
  real<lower=0> sigma;
model {
  a ~ multi_normal(mu_0, K1);
  b ~ multi_normal(rep_vector(0, D), K2);
  sigma ~ lognormal(0, 100);
  for (dd in 1:D) {
    for (yy in 1:Y)
    y[yy, dd] ~ normal(a[dd] + b[dd] * year[yy], sigma);
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