Bookdown documentation?

Speaking of Bayesplot (Bayesplot documentation), does anyone know where to find documentation for Bookdown?

I found the book and the online site, but they’re both incomplete and for me nearly incomprehensible.

For the life of me I haven’t been able to figure out how to change the text in the upper left corner to not say “A Minimial Book Example”. I couldn’t find the phrase grepping their source—could they have baked it into the actual package?

Or should I be using something other than bookdown for writing something book-like? So far, bookdown is making me rather crabby due to the lack of doc.

@Bob_Carpenter when I put together the bayesplot documentation I couldn’t find any documentation aside from bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown (there’s even less documentation for pkgdown). It was a lot of trial and error to get the doc to look the way I wanted it to and I had to do a lot of CSS hacking to match the aesthetics.

I haven’t been able to figure out how to change the text in the upper left corner to not say “A Minimial Book Example”

It might be more clear if you take a look at the index.Rmd file for the bayesplot documentation. The title in the yaml controls the title of the overall book, and the first header controls the title at the top of the sidebar.

Thanks. It’s not picking up the first header for me. I just get “A Minimal Book Example”.

This stuff is so frustrating. It seems like such a useful package, but it’s so poorly documented I don’t know how I can use it.

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I’m out of town for a week, but when I’m back, I’ll try to track you down to get some one-on-one help.

Ok cool. Also, I’m planning to do the rstanarm dev-notes in bookdown form so, depending on what you need, you might be able to use that as a template.

It seems like such a useful package, but it’s so poorly documented I don’t know how I can use it.

Yeah it’s kind of ironic since the popular packages that are used to generate documentation are themselves poorly documented.

TJ Mahr sorted me out — the answer is that it’s in _output.yml. No idea how I missed that grepping and searching the files manually.