I am having trouble with the following ODE model, where I basically get no mixing between the Markov chains. I cannot seem to get to the bottom of why this is the case – the likelihood surface looks nicely curved towards the area of high density. I have tried using highly informative priors, and restricting the bounds of the parameters considerably.
I have also tried fixing all but one parameter, and still I have the issue that there is no exploration of the Markov chains. However when I look at a plot of the log-likelihood as I vary this parameter, there is considerable curvature towards the maximum.
Finally I tried starting the chains at the maximum likelihood estimates (to see whether the poor exploration of the chains is because of long tails) and still the chains hardly move at all.
Does anyone have any other ideas to diagnose what is wrong with my model?
int find_interval_elem(real x, vector sorted, int start_ind){
int res;
int N;
int max_iter;
real left;
real right;
int left_ind;
int right_ind;
int iter;
N = num_elements(sorted);
if(N == 0) return(0);
left_ind = start_ind;
right_ind = N;
max_iter = 100 * N;
left = sorted[left_ind ] - x;
right = sorted[right_ind] - x;
if(0 <= left) return(left_ind-1);
if(0 == right) return(N-1);
if(0 > right) return(N);
iter = 1;
while((right_ind - left_ind) > 1 && iter != max_iter) {
int mid_ind;
real mid;
// is there a controlled way without being yelled at with a
// warning?
mid_ind = (left_ind + right_ind) / 2;
mid = sorted[mid_ind] - x;
if (mid == 0) return(mid_ind-1);
if (left * mid < 0) { right = mid; right_ind = mid_ind; }
if (right * mid < 0) { left = mid; left_ind = mid_ind; }
iter = iter + 1;
if(iter == max_iter)
print("Maximum number of iterations reached.");
real[] deriv_aslanidi(real t, real[] I, real[] theta, real[] x_r, int[] x_i){
int aLen = x_i[1];
vector[aLen] ts = to_vector(x_r[1:aLen]);
vector[aLen] V = to_vector(x_r[(aLen+1):(2*aLen)]);
int aT = find_interval_elem(t, ts, 1);
real aV = (aT==0) ? V[1] : V[aT];
real xtau = theta[1] / (1 + exp(aV/ theta[2])) + theta[3];
real xinf = 1 / (1 + exp(-(aV + theta[4]) / theta[5]));
real dydt[1];
dydt[1] = (xinf - I[1]) / xtau;
return dydt;
vector solve_aslanidi_forced_ode(real[] ts, real X0, real[] theta, real[] V, real t0){
int x_i[1];
real X_Kr[size(V),1];
vector[size(V)] I;
x_i[1] = size(V);
X_Kr = integrate_ode_bdf(deriv_aslanidi, rep_array(X0, 1), t0, ts, theta, to_array_1d(append_row(to_vector(ts), to_vector(V))), x_i, 10^(-5),10^(-5),10^3);
for(i in 1:x_i[1]){
real t = ts[i];
int aT = find_interval_elem(t, to_vector(ts), 1);
real aV = (aT==0) ? V[1] : V[aT];
real rInf = 1 / (1 + exp((aV + theta[6]) / theta[7]));
I[i] = theta[8] * X_Kr[i,1] * rInf * (aV + 85);
real calculateLogLikelihood(real[] I, real[] ts, real X0, real[] theta, real[] V, real t0, real sigma, int N){
vector[N] I_int;
real aLogProb;
// solve ODE using stiff solver
I_int = solve_aslanidi_forced_ode(ts, X0, theta, V,-0.1);
// likelihood
aLogProb = normal_lpdf(I|I_int,sigma);
int N;
real V[N];
real I[N];
real ts[N];
real t0;
transformed data {
int x_i[0];
real<lower=0> p1; // ms
real<lower=0> p2; // mV
real<lower=0> p3; // ms
real<lower=0> p4; // mV
real<lower=0> p5; // mV
real p6; // mV
real<lower=0> p7; // mV
real<lower=0> p8;
real<lower=0,upper=1> X0;
real<lower=0> sigma;
transformed parameters{
real theta[8];
theta[1] = p1;
theta[2] = p2;
theta[3] = p3;
theta[4] = p4;
theta[5] = p5;
theta[6] = p6;
theta[7] = p7;
theta[8] = p8;
target += calculateLogLikelihood(I, ts, X0, theta, V, -0.01, sigma, N);
p1 ~ normal(900,500);
p2 ~ normal(5,1);
p3 ~ normal(100,10);
p4 ~ normal(0.1,0.02);
p5 ~ normal(12.25,3);
p6 ~ normal(-5.6,1);
p7 ~ normal(20.4,3);
p8 ~ normal(0.01,0.001);
sigma ~ normal(1,0.1);