In case useful to others, I have worked out a solution using Cmdstanr.
I will exemplify this for a simple model, where X\sim \text{binomial}(N, \theta), where both N and \theta are unknown. Of course, for this very simple model, I can fit it in Stan directly by marginalizing out N from the joint distribution. But here, I want to show how it’s possible to use Stan as part of a Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampling algorithm when the discrete parameters cannot easily be marginalised out.
I suppose that N\sim \text{discrete-uniform}(5, 12) and \theta\sim \text{uniform}(0,1). The Stan code to sample from \theta | N is:
data {
int N;
int n;
array[n] int X;
parameters {
real<lower=0, upper=1> theta;
model {
X ~ binomial(N, theta);
To sample N | \theta, I calculate the RHS of: p(N|\theta) \propto \prod_{j=1}^n \text{binomial}(X_j | N, \theta) for the set of N values within my prior. I then normalise these by the sum of all these unnormalised probabilities, which allows me to independently sample N. The R functions that accomplish this (on the log-scale) are:
calculate_log_p <- function(N, theta, X) {
sum(dbinom(X, N, theta, log = TRUE))
calculate_all_log_p <- function(Ns, theta, X) {
purrr::map_dbl(Ns, ~calculate_log_p(., theta, X))
sample_N <- function(Ns, theta, X) {
qs <- calculate_all_log_p(Ns, theta, X)
probs <- exp(qs - logSumExp(qs))
sample(Ns, 1, prob=probs)
I then string together the two conditional updates into a Gibbs-type algorithm:
gibbs_sampler <- function(
X, init_N, init_theta, Ns,
init_step_size, n_nuts_per_step, model) {
N <- init_N
theta <- init_theta
theta_draws <- vector(length = n_iterations)
N_draws <- vector(length = n_iterations)
for(i in 1:n_iterations) {
data_stan <- list(
init_fn <- function() {
fit <- model$sample(data=data_stan,
init = init_fn,
adapt_engaged = FALSE,
iter_sampling = n_nuts_per_step,
refresh = 0,
show_messages = FALSE,
show_exceptions = FALSE,
step_size = init_step_size,
theta <- fit$draws("theta")[n_nuts_per_step, 1, 1][[1]]
N <- sample_N(Ns, theta, X)
theta_draws[i] <- theta
N_draws[i] <- N
tibble(theta=theta_draws, N=N_draws)
The trick to getting Stan to work well for its part is to first do an initial run where we find appropriate step sizes; I use a high adapt_delta value to minimise the chance that this step size is inappropriate and leads to divergent iterations when deployed in the Gibbs algorithm (where N varies from step to step):
fit_init <- mod$sample(data=data_stan,
iter_sampling = 1,
refresh = 0,
show_messages = FALSE,
show_exceptions = FALSE,
init_step_size <- fit_init$metadata()$step_size_adaptation
Seems to work fine and returns a reasonable posterior distribution for \theta, N. R code attached runs through whole thing.
s_binomial_unknown_n.R (2.2 KB)
coin_flip.stan (131 Bytes)