Using Pathfinder or other method to set initial values for sampling

Hi all,

I’ve read that one of the uses of Pathfinder is to get better initial values for sampling with HMC. I’ve however not been able to find a way to use some Pathfinder draws to give to Stan (specifically cmdstanr) to use as initial values. Does anyone have some code to do this for a model with a lot of parameters, where specifically I just want to use a Pathfinder draw or mean draw to initialise my HMC?

Also, and this is unrelated, I’m having quite a bit of trouble using Pathfinder to actually recover posteriors with complicated models. Here are some outputs of Pathfinder being unable to recover hyperparameters but doing better with realisations of this random effects, using the default settings (simulated truth in red):

Whereas even 100 HMC draws after 100 warm-up draws seems to have no issue.

Nevertheless, I’d still like to use Pathfinder to set better initial values.



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EDIT: This is on the master branch now

This branch of cmdstanr let’s you directly use a pathfinder fit object to init for sampling. More generally you can use any fit to init any of the algorithms

What is gamma here? It looks like that is the worst miss from the plots. There will definitely be some cases of complex models where approximations like pathfinder won’t work well. But even in these cases using pathfinder as a place to init nuts should help


Awesome, I’m keen to try this out.

gamma are the hierarchically modeled region-level colonisation rates in a dynamic occupancy model. But I’m more concerned about the left hand facet with hyperparameters that do not get recovered at all.

Not surprising. It’s trying to find the best low-rank plus diagonal multivariate normal approximation q by (indirectly) minimizing \textrm{KL}[q || p]. It’s well known to underestimate variance, so it’s more surprising that the iota hyper parameters are being massively overestimated in the VI setting.

If 100 HMC draws after 100 warmup draws works, then I wouldn’t bother with trying better initializations. Also, you can use Pathfinder to initialize only a subset of the parameters if you think that’d be better.

Here’s a case study for CmdStanPy.

I’m not sure how easy this is to do in CmdStanR.

P.S. I think it’d be easier to parse the plots if the horizontal (x-axis) range matched in the VI and HMC plots.

P.P.S. The biggest thing you can do for speeding up sampling with varying intercept hierarchical models is to introduce identifiability into the likelihood. For example you can set the effects to have one effect pinned at 0, but it’s more natural for priors to constrain the effects to sum to zero (and then make sure to include an intercept).

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Thanks Bob.

I suppose I was a bit surprised by Pathfinder actually not doing so well with these hyperparameters. I didn’t really need the initialisation from Pathfinder, I just thought it’d be a nice idea to jumpstart my HMC like this. Thanks anyway!

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Awesome! This would be useful for some of my big nonlinear hierarchical models that take a while to warmup in the initial phase.

Can you link me to the doc page for this feature? I saw something about a generate_init() in cmdstanr on github, but I’m not seeing the docs for it online (I guess probably because the cmdstanr site is still on the 0.7.0 version?).

Also, does this only initialize the parameter values or does it also initialize the mass matrix using the low-rank plug diagonal approximation found by Pathfinder that @Bob_Carpenter mentioned? That could be a game changer since the initial phase of warmup is often slow because the mass matrix starts at identity which can be way too big if a parameter has a really small scale or high posterior precision.

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If you look at the docs for the algorithm methods in cmdstanr develop the docs should all be there

Also, does this only initialize the parameter values or does it also initialize the mass matrix using the low-rank plug diagonal approximation found by Pathfinder that @Bob_Carpenter mentioned? That could be a game changer since the initial phase of warmup is often slow because the mass matrix starts at identity which can be way too big if a parameter has a really small scale or high posterior precision.

I wanted to but thought it would make the PR pretty big. But we absolutely should do this. The simplist thing to start with would be the mass matrix from a previous sampler run. @Bob_Carpenter is the math all worked out somewhere for this? I’m guessing we could make it from the diagnostic output from the single Pathfinders


Hey, FYI, you can just the inits like this:

pf <- mod$pathfinder(...)
fit <- mod$sample(..., init = pf)

Really nice!

FWIW, when doing this in a loop with a bunch of models, I’d love to know a way to only use pf for inits when pathfinder was successful. For complicated models it often fails, and then _lp might be NA or something, and then it doesn’t work to sample with those inits.


Can you tell more about the posteriors (models + data) for which Pathfinder fails? I haven’t seen such yet, so I’d love to know more and maybe we can improve the behaviour.

Hi Aki,

I’ve got a dynamic occupancy model with colonisation, emigration, and detection rates varying by region OR by sites nested within regions. There’s two approach for each configuration, one where the site and/or region effects are drawn from MVN and one where they are modeled using a latent variable corresponding to each site and/or region. I haven’t done full SBC on this model yet, but I have simulated data in R and parameters get recovered with HMC. I also manage to run the model with no to minimal divergent transitions when using the latent variable approach.

I just did some tests, and Pathfinder runs fine with MVN and latent variable approach as long as there’s no site effects included. That seems to break Pathfinder resulting in NaN or Inf lp__, which means I can’t use any of the initial values for HMC. Again though, running HMC with init = 0.1 works fine, although the MVN has divergent transitions with this particular dataset.

I’m aware it’s a lot of code but I’ve cut out most of the fluff if you wanted to take a look. Note that the data h is an array of 3 indicators corresponding to (1) MVN vs latent variable (SEM), (2) the inclusion of a Hawkes process on call rates, and (3) including site effects without or with spatial GP.

functions {
   * Return log density of partial sum of regions of occupancy model
   * See (transformed) data and parameters for arguments
   * @return  Partial sum log density
  real partial_sum_lpmf(
    data array[] int seq_region, data int start, data int end, data array[] int h, 
    data array[] int n_site, data array[] int first_site, data array[] int last_site, data array[,] int n_date, data array[,,] int dates, data array[,,] int tau, 
    data array[,,] int n_call, data array[,,] vector y, data array[,] int q, 
    vector psi_r, vector gamma_r, vector epsilon_r, vector mu_r, matrix hp, 
    row_vector phi_raw, vector eta_t, vector eta_s_raw, vector iota_t, matrix iota_O_L, matrix iota_z, 
    vector iota_ell, array[] vector iota_ell_prior, data array[,] vector utm) {
      // partial target and transition rate/log probability matrices
      real ptarget = 0;
      matrix[2, 2] trm, ltpm;
      // log (one-minus) overall occupancy probabilities
      int n_region = end - start + 1;
      vector[n_region] log_psi_r = log(psi_r[start:end]);
      vector[n_region] log1m_psi_r = log1m(psi_r[start:end]);
      // for each region
      for (r in start:end) {
        // index mapping to partial regions
        int rr = r - start + 1;
        // containers
        vector[n_site[r]] gamma, epsilon, mu, ssd_, log_ssd, log1m_ssd;
        // site-level effects (SEM or MVN)
        matrix[n_site[r], 3] iota;
        array[n_site[r]] int site_idx = linspaced_int_array(n_site[r], first_site[r], last_site[r]);
        if (h[3] > 0) {
          if (h[1]) {
            ptarget += normal_lupdf(eta_s_raw[site_idx] | 0, eta_t[2]);
            iota = eta_s_raw[site_idx] * phi_raw;
          } else {
            ptarget += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(iota_z[site_idx]));
            iota = iota_z[site_idx] * diag_post_multiply(iota_O_L', iota_t);
          // spatial GP
          if (h[3] == 2) {
            ptarget += inv_gamma_lupdf(iota_ell[r] | iota_ell_prior[r], iota_ell_prior[r]);
            iota = cholesky_decompose(gp_exp_quad_cov(utm[r, 1:n_site[r]], 1, iota_ell[r])) * iota;
          // colonisation, emigration, and call rates
          gamma = exp(log(gamma_r[r]) + iota[:, 1]);
          epsilon = exp(log(epsilon_r[r]) + iota[:, 2]);
          mu = exp(log(mu_r[r]) + iota[:, 3]);
          // region-level only
        } else {
          gamma = rep_vector(gamma_r[r], n_site[r]);
          epsilon = rep_vector(epsilon_r[r], n_site[r]);
          mu = rep_vector(mu_r[r], n_site[r]);
        // log (one-minus) stable state occupancy probabilities
        ssd_ = ssd(gamma, epsilon);
        log_ssd = log(ssd_);
        log1m_ssd = log1m(ssd_);
        // for each site
        for (s in 1:n_site[r]) {
          // marginal log probabilities per state
          matrix[2, n_date[r, s]] omega;
          // for each date a SongMeter was active
          for (t in 1:n_date[r, s]) {
            // index mapping back to actual date
            int tt = dates[r, s, t];
            // log detection probabilities for each occupancy state when no calls were recorded
            if (n_call[r, s, tt] == 0) {
              omega[1, t] = 0;
              omega[2, t] = exponential_lccdf(y[r, s, tt, 1] | mu[s]);
              // when calls were recorded
            } else {
              omega[1, t] = negative_infinity();
              // constant call rates
              if (h[2] == 0) {
                omega[2, t] = exponential_lupdf(y[r, s, tt, 1:n_call[r, s, tt]] | mu[s]);
                omega[2, t] += exponential_lccdf(y[r, s, tt, n_call[r, s, tt] + 1] | mu[s]);
                // Hawkes process
              } else {
                vector[n_call[r, s, tt] + 1] B, lambda; 
                B[1] = 0;
                for (c in 1:n_call[r, s, tt]) {
                  B[c + 1] = (1 + B[c]) * exp(-hp[r, 2] * y[r, s, tt, c]);
                lambda = mu[s] + hp[r, 1] * B;
                omega[2, t] = exponential_lupdf(y[r, s, tt, 1:n_call[r, s, tt]] | lambda[1:n_call[r, s, tt]]);
                omega[2, t] += exponential_lccdf(y[r, s, tt, n_call[r, s, tt] + 1] | lambda[n_call[r, s, tt] + 1]);
          } // t
          // marginal log probabilities at first date
          omega[:, 1] += [ log1m_ssd[s], log_ssd[s] ]';
          // TRM (transpose for matrix multiplication)
          trm = [ [ -gamma[s],  gamma[s]    ],
                  [ epsilon[s], -epsilon[s] ] ]';
          // LTPM and marginal log probabilities
          ltpm = log(matrix_exp(trm));
          for (t in 2:n_date[r, s]) {
            if (tau[r, s, t - 1] > 1) {
              omega[:, t] += log_product_exp(log(matrix_exp(trm * tau[r, s, t - 1])), omega[:, t - 1]);
            omega[:, t] += log_product_exp(ltpm, omega[:, t - 1]);
          } // t
          // increment log density
          if (q[r, s]) {
            ptarget += log_psi_r[rr] + log_sum_exp(omega[:, n_date[r, s]]);
          } else {
            ptarget += log_sum_exp(log_psi_r[rr] + log_sum_exp(omega[:, n_date[r, s]]), log1m_psi_r[rr]);
        } // s
      } // r
      return ptarget;
   * Return the natural logarithm of the product of the elementwise exponentiation of the specified matrices
   * @param a  First matrix or row_vector
   * @param b  Second matrix or row_vector
   * @return   log(exp(a) * exp(b))
  matrix log_product_exp(matrix a, matrix b) {
    int x = rows(a);
    int y = cols(b);
    int z = cols(a);
    matrix[z, x] a_tr = a';
    matrix[x, y] c;
    for (j in 1:y) {
      for (i in 1:x) {
        c[i, j] = log_sum_exp(a_tr[:, i] + b[:, j]);
    return c;
  vector log_product_exp(matrix a, vector b) {
    int x = rows(a);
    int z = cols(a);
    matrix[z, x] a_tr = a';
    vector[x] c;
    for (i in 1:x) {
      c[i] = log_sum_exp(a_tr[:, i] + b);
    return c;
  real log_product_exp(row_vector a, vector b) {
    real c = log_sum_exp(a' + b);
    return c;
  row_vector log_product_exp(row_vector a, matrix b) {
    int y = cols(b);
    vector[size(a)] a_tr = a';
    row_vector[y] c;
    for (j in 1:y) {
      c[j] = log_sum_exp(a_tr + b[:, j]);
    return c;

   * Return a vector of inverse gamma parameters where the probability mass is contained within 
   * pre-specified lower and upper bounds, using Stan's algebraic solver. See
   * @param params_guess  Best guess of the shape and scale for the solver to start
   * @param theta         Lower and upper bounds of input
   * @param tails         Lower and upper bounds of probability mass
   * @param x_i           Integer array (must be included even if empty)
   * @return              Vector of inverse gamma shapes
  vector inv_gamma_prior(vector guess, vector theta, array[] real tails, array[] int x_i) {
    vector[2] params;
    params[1] = inv_gamma_cdf(theta[1] | guess[1], guess[2]) - tails[1];
    params[2] = inv_gamma_cdf(theta[2] | guess[1], guess[2]) - tails[2];
    return params;
   * Return number of correlations from number of dimensions of correlation matrix
   * @param n_dim  Number of dimensions of correlation matrix
   * @return       Number of correlations
	int n_cor(int n_dim) {
	  return (n_dim * (n_dim - 1)) %/% 2;
   * Return vector of correlations from lower triangular Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
   * @param Omega_L  Lower triangular Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
   * @return         Vector of correlations
  vector cors(matrix Omega_L) {
    int n_dim = rows(Omega_L);
    int n_rho = n_cor(n_dim);
    vector[n_rho] rho;
    matrix[n_dim, n_dim] Omega = multiply_lower_tri_self_transpose(Omega_L);
    int r = 1;
    for (k in 1:(n_dim - 1)) {
      for (kk in (k + 1):n_dim) {
        rho[r] = Omega[k, kk];
        r = r + 1;
    return rho;
   * Return stable state probability from colonisation and emigration rates
   * @param gamma    Colonisation rate
   * @param epsilon  Emigration rate
   * @return         Stable state probability
  real ssd(real gamma, real epsilon) {
    real gamma_prob = 1 - exp(-gamma);
    real epsilon_prob = 1 - exp(-epsilon);
    return gamma_prob / (epsilon_prob + gamma_prob);
  vector ssd(vector gamma, vector epsilon) {
    int n = size(gamma);
    vector[n] gamma_prob = 1 - exp(-gamma);
    vector[n] epsilon_prob = 1 - exp(-epsilon);
    return gamma_prob ./ (epsilon_prob + gamma_prob);

data {
  int n_region, n_site_max, n_date_max, n_call_max, grainsize;  // indexing and grainsize for reduce_sum()
  array[n_region] int<lower=1> n_site;  // number of sites per region
  array[n_region, n_site_max] int n_date;  // number of dates per site
  array[n_region, n_site_max, n_date_max] int dates, n_call;  // number of calls and date indices per site and date
  array[n_region, n_site_max, n_date_max] vector[n_call_max + 1] y;  // detection histories (calls) per site and date
  array[n_region, n_site_max] vector[2] utm;  // UTM coordinates per site
  array[n_region] vector[2] dist;  // min. and max. site distances per region
  array[3] int<lower=0, upper=2> h;  // indicators for model complexity
  int<lower=0, upper=1> sbc;  // indicator for performing simulation based calibration (SBC)
  int<lower=1> night_hours, n_call_max_sim;  // number of nights hours and maximum number of calls for SBC

transformed data {
  array[n_region] int seq_region = linspaced_int_array(n_region, 1, n_region);  // sequence of regions for reduce_sum()
  int n_site_sum = sum(n_site);  // total number of sites
  array[n_region] int first_site, last_site;  // indices of first and last site per region for n_site_sum-length vector
  array[n_region, n_site_max] int q = rep_array(0, n_region, n_site_max);  // Boolean for any calls per site
  array[n_region, n_site_max, n_date_max - 1] int tau;  // survey data intervals
  for (r in 1:n_region) {
    last_site[r] = sum(n_site[1:r]);
    first_site[r] = last_site[r] - n_site[r] + 1;
    for (s in 1:n_site[r]) {
      q[r, s] = sum(n_call[r, s]) > 0;
      for (t in 2:n_date[r, s]) {
        tau[r, s, t - 1] = dates[r, s, t] - dates[r, s, t - 1];
    } // s
  } // r

parameters {
  // intercepts
  real<lower=0, upper=1> psi_a;  // overal occupancy intercept
  real<lower=0> gamma_a, epsilon_a, mu_a;  // colonisation, emigration, and baseline call rate intercepts
  // SEM region-level (occupancy, colonisation, emigration, call rate)
  row_vector[h[1] ? 3 : 0] phi_raw;  // SEM loadings N(0, 1)
  vector<lower=0>[!h[1] ? 0 : (h[3] > 0) ? 2 : 1] eta_t;  // SEM quantities scales
  vector<multiplier=(h[1] ? eta_t[1] : 1)>[h[1] ? n_region : 0] eta_r_raw;  // region-level SEM quantities z-scores
  vector<lower=0>[h[1] ? 1 : 4] theta_t;  // region-level MVN SDs
  cholesky_factor_corr[h[1] ? 0 : 4] theta_O_L;  // region-level MVN Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
  matrix[n_region, h[1] ? 1 : 4] theta_z;  // region-level MVN z-scores
  // Hawkes process
  row_vector<lower=0>[(h[2] > 0) ? 2 : 0] hp_a;  // intercepts for alpha and beta
  vector<lower=0>[(h[2] == 2) ? 2 : 0] hp_t;  // region-level MVN SDs
  cholesky_factor_corr[(h[2] == 2) ? 2 : 0] hp_O_L;  // region-level MVN Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
  matrix[n_region, (h[2] == 2) ? 2 : 0] hp_z;  // region-level MVN z-scores
  // site-level (colonisation, emigration, call rate)
  vector<multiplier=((h[1] && h[3] > 0) ? eta_t[2] : 1)>[(h[1] && h[3] > 0) ? n_site_sum : 0] eta_s_raw;  // site-level SEM quantities
  vector<lower=0>[h[1] ? 0 : (h[3] == 0) ? 0 : 3] iota_t;  // site-level MVN SDs
  cholesky_factor_corr[h[1] ? 0 : (h[3] == 0) ? 0 : 3] iota_O_L;  // site-level MVN Cholesky factor of correlation matrix
  matrix[h[1] ? 0 : (h[3] == 0) ? 0 : n_site_sum, 3] iota_z;  // site-level MVN z-scores
  vector<lower=0>[(h[3] == 2) ? n_region : 0] iota_ell; // spatial GP length scales

transformed parameters {
  // SEM loadings and region-level parameters
  vector[n_region] psi_r, gamma_r, epsilon_r, mu_r;
    matrix[n_region, 4] theta;
    if (h[1]) {
      theta[:, 1] = theta_z[:, 1] * theta_t[1];  // univariate normal for psi
      theta[:, 2:4] = eta_r_raw * phi_raw;
    } else {
      theta = theta_z * diag_post_multiply(theta_O_L', theta_t);
    psi_r = inv_logit(logit(psi_a) + theta[:, 1]);
    gamma_r = exp(log(gamma_a) + theta[:, 2]);
    epsilon_r = exp(log(epsilon_a) + theta[:, 3]);
    mu_r = exp(log(mu_a) + theta[:, 4]);
  // Hawkes process (intercepts or MVN)
  matrix[n_region, (h[2] == 2) ? 2 : 0] hp;
    hp = rep_matrix(hp_a, n_region);
    if (h[2] == 2) {
      hp = exp(log(hp) + hp_z * diag_post_multiply(hp_O_L', hp_t));

model {
  // intercepts
  target += beta_lupdf(psi_a | 4, 2);
  target += exponential_lupdf(gamma_a | 2);
  target += exponential_lupdf(epsilon_a | 2);
  target += exponential_lupdf(mu_a | 2);
  // region-level priors
  target += exponential_lupdf(theta_t | 2);
  target += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(theta_z));
  if (h[1]) {
    target += std_normal_lupdf(phi_raw);
    target += exponential_lupdf(eta_t | 1);
    target += normal_lupdf(eta_r_raw | 0, eta_t[1]);
  } else {
    target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lupdf(theta_O_L | 2);
  // Hawkes process priors
  if (h[2] > 0) {
    target += exponential_lupdf(hp_a | 4);
    if (h[2] == 2) {
      target += exponential_lupdf(hp_t | 1);
      target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lupdf(hp_O_L | 2);
      target += std_normal_lupdf(to_vector(hp_z));
  // site-level MVN priors
  if (!h[1] && h[3] > 0) {
    target += exponential_lupdf(iota_t | 2);
    target += lkj_corr_cholesky_lupdf(iota_O_L | 2);

  // likelihood (threading)
  if (sbc) {
    target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_region, grainsize, h,
                         n_site, first_site, last_site, n_date, dates, tau, 
                         n_call_sim, y_sim, q_sim,
                         psi_r, gamma_r, epsilon_r, mu_r, hp, 
                         phi_raw, eta_t, eta_s_raw, iota_t, iota_O_L, iota_z,
                         iota_ell, iota_ell_prior, utm);
  } else {
    target += reduce_sum(partial_sum_lupmf, seq_region, grainsize, h, 
                         n_site, first_site, last_site, n_date, dates, tau, 
                         n_call, y, q, 
                         psi_r, gamma_r, epsilon_r, mu_r, hp, 
                         phi_raw, eta_t, eta_s_raw, iota_t, iota_O_L, iota_z, 
                         iota_ell, iota_ell_prior, utm);
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Thanks for the additional information. Can you share also data and R code you use to load data and call Stan with Pathfinder? If you don’t want to share it publicly but if you can share it with me privately or if it’s big data you can also email me a download link for the data. I could then run this myself, and check if there are only some NaNs/Infs that could be dropped and the remaining draws could be useful. It’s great that with reduced init range you get HMC/NUTS to work, but of course we like the Pathfinder algorithm implementation to be robust, too.

Also, this sounds very cool and happy to read more if you have a paper now or later!

Thanks, I sent you a DM.

  1. It seems the Pathfinder algorithm is working fine
  2. I have 3 line fix for the new init functionality to handle non-finite lp__ values
  3. I suspect that the init functionality is confused due to several parameters that are declared in Stan to have size 0, and thus they are not stored in CSV, but the init functionality wants to initialize them, too. This needs further investigation, and pinging also @stevebronder

Can you provide a Stan code without declaration of 0 size variables?

I’m afk till Wednesday but I’ll look at this when I get in front of a laptop. I’m guessing Aki is right on the 0 sizing

Hey Aki,

Thanks for taking a look. I removed all size 0 parameters yet still getting Inf lp__ in the output. When I try to use the output as initial values, I get the error Error in, size, replace, prob) : NA in probability vector.

I’ve sent you the Stan program privately.

These are independent issues and I have a fix for Infs, NaNs, nad NA in lp__, but I didn’t make a PR yet, as I wanted to check the 0 size parameters part, too.

I tested with a minimal example, and although I get warnings about missing init values for the 0 sized parameters, the sampling starts, so it seems the 0 size parameters were not the problem. I continue testing.

Did you change the model otherwise than removing 0 size parameters? The sampling is now much slower.

  • With the new Stan code, the Pathfinder inits work just fine, although depending on the Pathfinder algorithm options may have non-finite lp__ values, but I have an easy fix for that. Based on the lp__ values the newer model is also much better.
  • With the earlier Stan code and with much simpler Stan code which have 0 sized parameters, initialization complains about not having values for 0 sized parameters, but initialization works
  • With the earlier Stan code, filtering out the non-finite lp__'s is not enough, as the gradients at the Pathfinder draws are likely to be non-finite due to numerical problems. We could filter out also inits for which the gradients are not finite. I continue experimenting.
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Hey Aki,

Did you change the model otherwise than removing 0 size parameters? The sampling is now much slower.

No changes in the model other than that, but of course a bunch of the 0 size parameters are now getting sampled with their priors, though I doubt that would cause it.

With the earlier Stan code, filtering out the non-finite lp__'s is not enough, as the gradients at the Pathfinder draws are likely to be non-finite due to numerical problems. We could filter out also inits for which the gradients are not finite. I continue experimenting.

Yeah, and those not finite gradients seemed to only come up with the site-level random effects. The configurations without them, e.g. h = [ 1, 2, 0 ] or h = [ 0, 2, 0 ] there don’t seem to be problems.

Thanks again for checking.

For Steve: It seems that it is possible that the Pathfinder line search can get the algorithm from a point with finite lp and gradient to a point with finite lp, but non-finite gradient, which gets the Pathfinder to get stuck there and all or most draws from the normal may then also have non-finite gradient. Pathfinder linesearch should be modified to to reject jumps to somewhere where the gradient is non-finite.