Pathfinder to Rstan

I was wondering if there was a plan (and what would be a rough ETA) for adding the Pathfinder algorithm to Rstan.


Not that I know of. It’s all @bgoodri can do to keep up with the requirements of CRAN. It’s in cmdstanr and that interface is getting expanded to make it easier to use for inits following the design in cmdstanpy.

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Yes I imagine it’s a pain (I’m interested in Rstan because I build few stan-based R packages).

I was just wondering if @bgoodri thought it was a matter of months or 1+ years.

I would use cmdstanr, but the feature that stops me most is that the returned object does not carry the draws, but just a link of it. This it’s quite hard to manage for users that use a stan-third-party package extemporarily (and do not know about Stan) and they just want to save one object, and maybe pass it in the future to other methods.

I would use cmdstanr, but the feature that stops me most is that the returned object does not carry the draws, but just a link of it

Could you clarify this? After the first time the $draws() method is called on a fit object and the csvs are read into R, the object stores all of the draws internally. You can see this is in the source code here

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