
@andrewgelman writes:

Soon we should have Pathfinder implemented and this will get rid of lots of these minor modes automatically.

Who can tell me about Pathfinder (or point me somewhere)? There’s nothing in the forum.

Maybe @Bob_Carpenter? I found this:

  • Pathfinder : parallel algorithm to find first reasonable draw; with Lu Zhang, Ben Bales, Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman

Actually, maybe @Lu.Zhang?


Pathfinder is a new fast and stable approximate algorithm that can also supply starting points for HMC. The project is led by Lu, Bob, and Aki, and we should have a draft paper soon to share with the world.



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It’s out on arXiv:

And there’s a discussion on Andrew’s blog:


@Lu.Zhang @Bob_Carpenter @andrewgelman @avehtari

Might there be an opportunity to add the automatic reparameterization that @mgorinova & @matthewdhoffman developed?

As I understand it, both pathfinder and the auto-repar work reflect a stage of computation that occurs before MCMC that uses ADVI, so they could possibly share work by being computed together?

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Thanks for bringing the auto-repar idea in. The VIP method in the auto-repar paper results in a Gaussian approximation like what Pathfinder has, but it is achieved by directly optimizing ELBO instead of the optimization of the log-density. And the ELBO optimization step introduces parameters to allow an automatic mixture of centered and non-centered parameterization, which can change the log-density function. So I don’t see a good way to combine the auto-repar idea with Pathfinder idea, though I think it is an interesting idea.


Has anyone tried pathfinder algorithm for variational inference for generated data and has a code? and does not seem to be working for me due to data inconsistensies.

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Hi what sort of errors are you getting?

After conquering some errors, I tried using pathfinder method from GitHub - SteveBronder/pathfinder_testing: Collection of stan-dev repo branches need to run pathfinder and results are very inaccurate.

Example code:


# generate some data
N <- 10000

data0 <- 
    x1 = rnorm(N, 0, 1),
    x2 = rnorm(N, 0, 1),
    x3 = rnorm(N, 0, 1),
    x4 = rnorm(N, 0, 1),
    x5 = rnorm(N, 0, 1),
    y_star = rlogis(N, 1*x1 + 0.7*x2 + 0.5*x3 + 0.3*x4 + 0.1*x5, 1),
    y = ifelse(y_star>0,1,0)

summary(glm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = data0, family = binomial(link = "logit")))

# define model using brm
bf0 <- bf(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5) + bernoulli(link = "logit")

# make native stan code from brm objects and save the code as stan object
nthreads = 12
my_stan_code <- make_stancode(
  formula = bf0,
  data = data0,
  #prior = prior0,
  autocor = NULL,
  data2 = NULL,
  cov_ranef = NULL,
  sparse = NULL,
  sample_prior = "no",
  stanvars = NULL,
  stan_funs = NULL,
  knots = NULL,
  #threads = threading(threads = nthreads),
  normalize = getOption("brms.normalize", TRUE),
  save_model = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/psc_20220203.stan'

# make a native stan data structure from brm objects
my_stan_data <- make_standata(
  formula = bf0,
  data = data0,
  #family = gaussian(),
  #prior = prior0,
  autocor = NULL,
  data2 = NULL,
  cov_ranef = NULL,
  sample_prior = "no",
  stanvars = NULL,
  #threads = threading(threads = nthreads),
  knots = NULL

# create cmdstan model object
ex_mod = cmdstan_model(stan_file = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/psc_20220203.stan', 
                       compile = FALSE)

# compile
  quiet = FALSE,
  dir = NULL,
  pedantic = TRUE,
  include_paths = NULL,
  cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE),
  stanc_options = list(),
  force_recompile = TRUE

ex_fit_sample = ex_mod$sample(data = my_stan_data,
                              parallel_chains = 3, 
                              iter_sampling = 1000, 
                              chains = 3, 
                              output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/')

# meanfield variational inference
ex_fit_vb <- ex_mod$variational(
  data = my_stan_data,
  seed = NULL,
  refresh = 5,
  init = NULL,
  save_latent_dynamics = FALSE,
  output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/',
  output_basename = 'psc_variational',
  sig_figs = NULL,
  threads = nthreads,
  opencl_ids = NULL,
  algorithm = NULL,
  iter = 1000,
  grad_samples = NULL,
  elbo_samples = NULL,
  eta = NULL,
  adapt_engaged = NULL,
  adapt_iter = NULL,
  tol_rel_obj = 0.0000001,
  eval_elbo = NULL,
  output_samples = 10000

# lbfgs optimization
ex_optimize = ex_mod$optimize(data = my_stan_data,
                              refresh = 5, 
                              algorithm = "lbfgs", 
                              threads = nthreads,
                              iter = 1000, 
                              history_size = 12, 
                              init_alpha = 0.0000001,
                              init = 3,
                              output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/',
                              output_basename = 'psc_lbfgs_opt'
                              )#, tol_obj = 0, tol_grad = 0, tol_param = 0, tol_rel_grad = 0, tol_rel_obj = 0)

# Run path and sampler
# FIXME: idk why but this needs +1 num_draws for the number of draws you actually want
ex_fit_single = ex_mod$pathfinder(algorithm = "single", 
                                  data = my_stan_data,
                                  refresh = 5, 
                                  threads = nthreads, 
                                  iter = 1000, 
                                  num_elbo_draws = 100,
                                  history_size = 6, 
                                  init_alpha = 0.0000001,
                                  num_draws = 10001, 
                                  init = 0,
                                  output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/',
                                  output_basename = 'psc_single'
                                  )#, tol_obj = 0, tol_grad = 0, tol_param = 0, tol_rel_grad = 0, tol_rel_obj = 0)

# Run path and sampler
ex_fit_multi = ex_mod$pathfinder(algorithm = "multi", 
                                 data = my_stan_data,
                                 refresh = 10, 
                                 threads = nthreads, 
                                 num_paths = 16,
                                 psis_draws = 10000, 
                                 iter = 1000, 
                                 num_elbo_draws = 1000, 
                                 history_size = 4, 
                                 init_alpha = 0.0000001,
                                 num_draws = 10000, 
                                 init = 3,
                                 output_dir = '/home/rstudio/user_projects/Mantas/pathfinder_example/',
                                 output_basename = 'psc_multi'
                                 )#, tol_obj = 0, tol_grad = 0, tol_param = 0, tol_rel_grad = 0, tol_rel_obj = 0)


# problems with optimization or convergence

Thus, summary results should be similar to b[1]=1; b[2]=0.7, b[3]=0.5, b[4]=0.3, b[5]=0.1.

HMC, meanfield and “optimize” methods get similar results, but Pathfinder’s results are very impersise, i.e.:


A tibble: 8 × 7
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95

1 b[1] 0.813 0.965 37.5 37.0 -62.5 62.4
2 b[2] 0.354 0.501 38.5 38.4 -62.8 63.8
3 b[3] 0.354 0.203 43.7 43.3 -72.0 72.4
4 b[4] 0.648 0.637 41.1 40.8 -67.2 67.9
5 b[5] 0.0516 -0.00359 40.2 39.5 -66.3 66.3
6 Intercept 0.0816 0.256 40.9 41.0 -68.1 66.3
7 b_Intercept 0.0738 0.269 40.9 40.9 -68.0 66.3
8 lp__ 377497. 361349 146589. 146837. 166286. 641275.


A tibble: 8 × 7
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95

1 b[1] 0.642 1.36 41.2 40.2 -68.7 67.4
2 b[2] -8.49 -8.51 47.7 46.2 -87.8 69.6
3 b[3] 9.79 7.28 49.1 45.4 -65.4 93.6
4 b[4] -6.45 -4.90 50.3 48.4 -93.0 73.9
5 b[5] 0.876 1.12 57.6 46.6 -95.8 96.0
6 Intercept 1.19 -2.30 90.3 55.3 -148. 210.
7 b_Intercept 1.18 -2.22 90.3 55.4 -148. 210.
8 lp__ 533303. 446146. 311956. 236710. 185127. 1215174.

Is it normal to be this inaccurate? Maybe I selected parameters wrong? What parameters should be tuned?

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Accuracy problem has been solved Impercise results · Issue #2 · SteveBronder/pathfinder_testing · GitHub