I have three courses coming up next year that I wanted to share.
In February I will be teaching a three day course in Sydney, Australia, https://presciient.com/event/stan-syd-feb-2019/.
In April I will be teaching a three day course with an optional fourth day covering advanced topics, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, https://events.eventzilla.net/e/introduction-to-bayesian-inference-with-stan-with-michael-betancourt-2138707130.
In July I will be teaching a three day course in London, United Kingdom, https://www.jumpingrivers.com/training/course/bayesian-inference-using-stan/.
These course will cover probability theory, common distributions, Bayesian inference, the Stan modeling language, a principled Bayesian workflow, regression modeling, hierarchical modeling, and a few more goodies all complemented with extensive interactive exercises in RStan and PyStan.
The only prerequisites are a solid understanding of linear algebra, concepts in calculus (derivatives and integrals), and a familiarity with your favorite between R and Python
An updated listing of my courses is always available at https://betanalpha.github.io/courses/. If you are interested in hiring me to give a course for your organization or help co-host a public course then please don’t hesitate to reach out, https://betanalpha.github.io/consulting/ .