Transformed parameter in hierarchical model

Hello everyone,

I am facing a problem with a reinforcement learning parameter theoretically constrained to be between 0 and 1 (alpha i.e., learning rate) in a hierarchical model in rstan.

I currently use inv_logit transformation to obtain transformed values, but I am not sure it’s the way to go as the random_effects slightly push the values towards 0.5 causing the mean of the transformed parameter to be different than the population parameter. It makes the “random” effect not truly random as it biases the transformed parameters towards 0.5.

Specifically, to conduct a precision analysis for a forthcoming project I am not sure what parameter value to treat as the hypothesized effect, the population_effect, or the mean of the transformed parameter.

I have attached a sample code. Thanks a lot.


data {

  //General fixed parameters for the experiment/models
  int<lower = 1> Nsubjects;                                         
  int<lower = 1> Nblocks;           
  int<lower = 1> Ntrials;                                           
  int<lower = 1> Ntrials_per_subject[Nsubjects];                    
  int<lower = 4> Narms;                                             
  int<lower = 2> Nraffle; 

  //Behavioral data:
  int<lower = 0> choice[Nsubjects,Ntrials];              
  int<lower = 0> reward[Nsubjects,Ntrials];              
  int<lower = 0> offer1[Nsubjects,Ntrials];              
  int<lower = 0> offer2[Nsubjects,Ntrials];              
  int<lower = 0> selected_offer[Nsubjects,Ntrials];      
  int<lower = 0> first_trial_in_block[Nsubjects,Ntrials];


transformed data{
  int<lower = 1> Nparameters=2;

parameters {
  //population level parameters 
  vector         [Nparameters] population_locations;      
  vector<lower=0>[Nparameters] population_scales;         
  //individual level
  vector[Nsubjects] alpha_random_effect;
  vector[Nsubjects] beta_random_effect;

transformed parameters {
  vector<lower=0, upper=1>[Nsubjects] alpha;
  vector                  [Nsubjects] beta;

  for (subject in 1:Nsubjects) {
    //internal variables
    real   Qdiff;
    real   PE;
	  real   Qval[Narms]; 
    //set individual parameters
    alpha[subject]   = inv_logit(population_locations[1]  + population_scales[1] * alpha_random_effect[subject]);
    beta[subject]    =          (population_locations[2]  + population_scales[2] * beta_random_effect [subject]);
        //likelihood estimation
        for (trial in 1:Ntrials_per_subject[subject]){
        //reset Qvalues (first trial only)
    		if (first_trial_in_block[subject,trial] == 1) {
        Qval = rep_array(0.5, Narms);
        //calculate difference in values for each of the two actions
        Qdiff        = Qval[offer2[subject,trial]]- Qval[offer1[subject,trial]];

        //update Qvalues
        PE  = reward[subject,trial]  - Qval[choice[subject,trial]];
        Qval[choice[subject,trial]] = Qval[choice[subject,trial]]+alpha[subject]*PE;
        #appened to external variables
        Qdiff_external[trial,subject] = Qdiff;


model {
  // population level  
  population_locations  ~ normal(0,2);            
  population_scales     ~ cauchy(0,2);        

  // individual level  
  alpha_random_effect ~ std_normal();
  beta_random_effect  ~ std_normal();

  for (subject in 1:Nsubjects){
    for (trial in 1:Ntrials_per_subject[subject]){
      target+= bernoulli_logit_lpmf(selected_offer[subject,trial] | beta[subject] * Qdiff_external[trial,subject]);