Hi everybody,
My Stan model aims to fit count data over time, taking into account a temporary increase (see figure).
To capture this temporary increase, I use a random effect with horseshoe prior. I assume that counts are Poisson distributed. The model reads:
Y_i\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_i)
where \log\lambda_i = \mu_0 + f_i +\log P and
Y_i is the number of occurrences over time i, \lambda_i the (latent) mean number of occurences, \mu_0 the baseline log-transformed individual risk of event occurring, f_i is the change in risk over time and P is the population size (constant) over time.
In other words, I use a log link function to model the individual risk over time, which is a sum of the baseline risk \mu_0 and a random effect f_i.
Note that this example is a minimal reproducible example, which is much simpler than the one I use but which illustrates the issue.
As f_i is 0 most of the time, I use a regularized horseshoe prior to identify it, following instruction from @avehtari and @jpiironen (see Appendix C).
To test the model, I performed a small simulation study, where I simulated count data using a Poisson distribution over time (i=1,\cdots,300). I assume a baseline risk of 1% (i.e., \mu_0 = \log(0.01) and modeled the increase in risk f_i using two sigmoid functions. I generated datasets considering three population sizes: P=10^6, 10^7, 10^8. The three simulated datasets are displayed here:
I then use the same Stan model to fit the three datasets. It produces good fits for the three population sizes.
However, the fits with P=10^7 and 10^8 have Rhat values exceeding 1.05 (see “max_rhat” column):
It looks like Rhat values are increasing when we increase the population size.
For this reason, I suspect that this is due to an error in the way I provided the values of the parameters that control the horseshoe prior but I haven’t been able to fix this.
In particular, I have doubts about the \sigma^2 parameter, which represents the pseudo-variance of the distribution. In the paper, it is recommended to use the inverse of the mean number of events, when assuming a Poisson distribution. Therefore, I took \sigma^{-1} = \exp(\mu)*P. Is it a correct choice or does the high Rhat values come from this uncorrect specification?
You can find the R code here (6.6 KB) and the Stan model below.
Many thanks in advance,
Stan model
functions {
// load data objects
data {
int N_x; //number of datapoint
array[N_x] int x;
array[N_x] int y;
int pop;
//Hyperprior parameters
real p_mu0_mean;
real p_mu0_sd;
//horseshoe prior
real < lower =0 > scale_global ; // scale for the half -t prior for tau
real < lower =1 > nu_global ; // degrees of freedom for the half -t priors for tau
real < lower =1 > nu_local ; // degrees of freedom for the half - t priors for lambdas
real < lower =0 > slab_scale ; // slab scale for the regularized horseshoe
real < lower =0 > slab_df ; // slab degrees of freedom for the regularized horseshoe
int inference;
parameters {
real mu0; //intercept mortality
vector [N_x] f3_z;
real < lower =0 > tau_hs; // global shrinkage parameter
vector < lower =0 >[N_x] lambda_hs; // local shrinkage parameter
real < lower =0 > caux_hs ;
transformed parameters {
vector[N_x] f3;
vector < lower =0 >[N_x] lambda_tilde_hs ; // ’ truncated ’ local shrinkage parameter
real < lower =0 > c_hs; // slab scale
real <lower=0> sigma_hs;
array[N_x] real mu;
c_hs = slab_scale * sqrt(caux_hs);
lambda_tilde_hs = sqrt(c_hs^2 * square(lambda_hs) ./ (c_hs^2 + tau_hs^2* square(lambda_hs))); //regularized lambda
f3 = f3_z .* lambda_tilde_hs * tau_hs; //normal(0,lambda_tilde^2*tau^2)
//log mortality rate
for(j in 1:N_x){
mu[j] = mu0 + f3[j] + log(pop);
sigma_hs = 1/sqrt(exp(mu0)*pop);
model {
mu0 ~ normal(p_mu0_mean,p_mu0_sd);
f3_z ~ normal(0, 1);
lambda_hs ~ student_t(nu_local, 0, 1); //
tau_hs ~ student_t(nu_global, 0, scale_global * sigma_hs); //df, mean, sd, df=1 is Cauchy
caux_hs ~ inv_gamma(0.5*slab_df, 0.5*slab_df);
// likelihood
for(i in 1:N_x){
target += poisson_log_lpmf(y[i] | mu[i]);
generated quantities {
R code