Horseshoe prior in rstan

Hi. i am using the horseshoe prior, coded by stan as following:

data {
  int<lower=1> n; // Number of data
  int<lower=1> p; // Number of covariates
  matrix[n,p] X;  // n-by-p design matrix
  real y[n];      // n-dimensional response vector

parameters {
  vector[p] beta;
  vector<lower=0>[p] lambda;
  real<lower=0> tau;
  real<lower=0> sigma;

transformed parameters {
  vector[n] theta ;
  theta = X * beta;

model {
  lambda ~ cauchy(0, 1);
  tau ~ cauchy(0, 1);
  beta ~ normal(0, sigma * tau * lambda); 
  y ~ normal(theta, sigma);

I don’t know why, but it is extremely slow.
Would you give me any recommendations to speed up??

EDIT: @maxbiostat edited this post for syntax highlighting.

  • What do you mean by extremely slow? Days?
  • How large are n and p?

To speed up

Or you could use brms or rstanarm packages which have these speed ups already implemented.


Thank you very much for your reply.

20,000 iterations takes nearly 30 minutes or more, which may just take 1 minute in ordinary MCMC sampler. n and p are quite small, n = 100, p =500.

Why are you running 20K iterations, though? What is the lowest ESS you get?

I am running 20K because I usually use this much in sampling to see a stationary.

I’ll let @avehtari be the final judge of that, but I find it weird it would take Stan 20K iterations to warmup properly for a problem of this size.

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To speed up I used the parameter expansion for the half-Cauchy as follows:
data {
int<lower=1> n; // Number of data
int<lower=1> p; // Number of covariates
matrix[n,p] X; // n-by-p design matrix
real y[n]; // n-dimensional response vector

parameters {
vector[p] beta;
vector<lower=0>[p] lambda_sq;
vector<lower=0>[p] omega;
real<lower=0> tau_sq;
real<lower=0> eta;
real<lower=0> sigma;

transformed parameters {
vector[n] theta ;
theta = X * beta;

model {
// Origianal horseshoe by carvalho + Parameter expansion on half-Cauchy
//lambda ~ cauchy(0, 1) is equivalent with;
omega ~ inv_gamma(1 / 2, 1);
lambda_sq ~ inv_gamma(1 / 2, 1 ./ omega);
//tau ~ cauchy(0, 1) is equivalent with;;
eta ~ inv_gamma(1 / 2, 1);
tau_sq ~ inv_gamma(1 / 2, 1 / eta);
beta ~ normal(0, sigma * sqrt(tau_sq) * sqrt(lambda_sq) );
y ~ normal(theta, sigma);

but I don’t why this does not work…

How do you diagnose stationarity? How big is your data, that is, n and p?

How about the speed ups I recommended?

I check stationarity by see the traceplot in my naked eyes.
For simulation study, I typically use n = 100 p =500, but in gene expression data study, obviously p is much larger than 500, saying 5000.

That is not sufficient. If you are using RStan you can use monitor function.

See here for an example with p>5000

and the comments about the speed What's the highest dimensional model Stan can fit using NUTS? - #5 by avehtari
With my 3+ year old laptop it’s 2 hours, with GPUs it would be less than 40mins

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