See StanCon 2023 registration open! Proposal submission open! for updated thread & details.
Tutorials and workshops
Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20-21, 2023.
Thursday and Friday, June 22-23, 2023.
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO USA
Invited speakers
- John K. Kruschke (Indiana University)
- Bob Carpenter (Flatiron Institute)
- Mariel Finucane (Mathematica Policy Research)
Tutorials, Thematic session, Contributed Talks, poster session
Tutorials: we’re seeking proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials. These can either be focused on foundations of Stan programming and Bayesian inference or advanced topics that can be for a niche audience. Proposals must describe the content and objectives of the tutorial.
Thematic session: if you are interested in a topic and theme, we are looking for thematic session organizers. Please contact us
Contributed talks: if you’d like to present your work at StanCon 2023, we’re looking for people to talk in the general session. Submission open soon.
Poster: we will have dedicated space and time slot for poster session. Submission open soon.
If you have any questions or are considering submitting a proposal, feel free to reach out to PM any organizer below or email
Call for Volunteers
We’re looking for help! If you’d like to:
- be part of the scientific committee to review submissions
- organize tutorials and sessions
- promote StanCon by reaching out to different communities
- artwork, event planning, or a slew of other things
Please PM me or any organizer below or email! We ask all volunteers follow the StanCon code of conduct.
Registration and Submission
Early bird (till March 31)
Conference only
Student | Academic | Industry |
199 | 299 | 449 |
Tutorial/Workshop + Conference
Student | Academic | Industry |
299 | 449 | 599 |
Registration coming soon.
Regular registration (after March 31)
Details coming soon.
Details coming soon.
WashU dorm accommodation
Affordable lodging details coming soon.
We can’t do this without the support of generous sponsors that support our events! If you’re interested in sponsoring StanCon, please PM any organizer below or email
- Debashis Mondal (Washington University in St. Louis).
- Eric J Ward (University of Washington & NOAA)
- Charles Margossian @charlesm93 (Flatiron Institute)
- Vianey Leos Barajas. @vianeylb (University of Toronto).
- Yi Zhang. @yizhang (Sage Therapeutics, Inc)