@s.maskell raised the issue of having an easy way to run a Stan model in the cloud at Thursday’s meeting. I thought it an excellent idea and didn’t want to let it drop.
There is an server interface: GitHub - stan-dev/httpstan: HTTP interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference. that was mentioned that covers half the problem (hosting). Client should be fairly straightforward.
@storopoli suggested an option at the cmdstanR level, something like:
model <- cmdstan_model("my_slow_model.stan", server = "https://monster_server_farm",...)
fit <- model$fit(data = stanData)
Someone, can’t remember who, mentioned that RStudio already has a launcher feature that may already offer full on hosting since they do run Stan in RStudio cloud. I have sent an email asking about pricing, what interfaces are run etc… This is a GUI integrated ‘run in the cloud’ service on first examination: Using Background Jobs in the RStudio IDE - RStudio :: Solutions
I’ll report back on the RStudio Launcher feature.
Please add ideas/elaborate as you see fit.