As I ran into the problem of setting up an RW prior in brms. I figured an alternative to the above is possible more straightforward?
Here is what I came up with below. This is what I will use as basis for my current project for the moment being (so things may change). Note that you have to scroll to the bottom of the snippet to see my alternative approach. The key idea is to setup a non-linear formula and split out the RW prior into its linear formula. I also choose to declare a reference age category which becomes the overall intercept of the model. This way I do not need to deal with sum to zero constraints - but be aware of the fact that this then defines the overall intercept such that one must not define an intercept in the linear predictor term.
Ping @jgellar and @paul.buerkner as FYI.
# instruct brms to use cmdstanr as backend and cache all Stan binaries
options(brms.backend="cmdstanr", cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir=here("_brms-cache"))
# create cache directory if not yet available
dir.create(here("_brms-cache"), FALSE)
# set the R random seed of the session for reproducibility
# Simulate Data
N <- 100
d <- tibble(agecat = sample.int(8, N, replace = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(mu = sin(pi*agecat/7), x=rnorm(N),
Y = mu + 2 * x + rnorm(N, sd = 1),
# Set up stanvars and priors
sv <- stanvar(scode = "real rw1_lpdf(vector alpha, real sigma) {
int N = num_elements(alpha);
return normal_lpdf(alpha[2:N] - alpha[1:N - 1] | 0, sigma);
block = "functions") +
stanvar(scode = "r_1_1 ~ rw1(sd_agecat_rw);", block = "model", position = "end") +
stanvar(scode = "real<lower=0> sd_agecat_rw;", block = "parameters", position = "end") +
stanvar(scode = "sd_agecat_rw ~ normal(0,1);", block = "model", position = "end") +
stanvar(scode = "sum(r_1_1) ~ normal(0, N_1*.001);", block = "model", position = "end")
pr <- prior(constant(10000), class = "sd", group = "agecat") +
prior(normal(0, 5), class=Intercept) +
prior(normal(0, 2), class=b)
# Fit model
fit <- brm(Y ~ 1 + x + (1|agecat), data = d, prior = pr, stanvars = sv, chains=1)
## Defines an RW prior for brms. This requires to define in brms a
## non-linear model such that the RW term is it's own linear model
## which must include the overall intercept (so set the overall
## intercept to 0 for the remaining linear model). The user can pick
## which of the categories for the random walk is used as overall
## intercept by setting the idx_inter to the respective index. The
## function returns a list with the elements prior and stanvar, which
## need to be passed to the brm call respectivley.
prior_rw <- function(idx_inter, sigma_inter, prior_scale_sigma_rw, ...) {
pr <- prior_string(paste0("rw1(", idx_inter, ", ", sigma_inter, ", sigma_rw)"), ...) +
prior_string(paste0("target += normal_lpdf(sigma_rw| 0, ", prior_scale_sigma_rw, ")"), check=FALSE)
sv_rw1 <- stanvar(scode = "real rw1_lpdf(vector alpha, int idx_inter, real sigma_inter, real sigma_rw) {
int N = num_elements(alpha);
return normal_lpdf(alpha[2:N] - alpha[1:N - 1] | 0, sigma_rw) + normal_lpdf(alpha[idx_inter]| 0, sigma_inter);
}", block = "functions")
sv_sigma_rw <- stanvar(scode="real<lower=0> sigma_rw;", block="parameters")
list(prior=pr, stanvar=sv_rw1 + sv_sigma_rw)
age_rw_prior <- prior_rw(1, 5, 0.5, class="b", nlpar="rw")
alt_model <- bf(Y ~ lin + rw, lin ~ 0 + x, rw ~ 1 + agecatF, nl=TRUE, center=FALSE)
d2 <- mutate(d, agecatF=factor(agecat))
get_prior(alt_model, d2)
alt_prior <- prior(normal(0, 2), class=b, coef=x, nlpar=lin) +
alt_fit <- brm(alt_model, data = d2,
prior = alt_prior,
stanvars = age_rw_prior$stanvar,
empty=FALSE, init=0.2) ##, sample_prior="only")
model_pred <- tibble(agecatF=levels(d2$agecatF), x=0)
rvar(posterior_epred(alt_fit, newdata=model_pred))