Posterior distribution for a between-subjects variable

I have a dataset dat with the following structure:

‘data.frame’: 450 obs. of 4 variables:
Subject : Factor w/ 23 levels "S1","S2","S3",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... Condition : Factor w/ 20levels “A”, “B”, “C”, …
Value: num 0.679 0.5819 0.2531 0.0469 1.2375 ... X : num 0.62 0.62 …

The variable Condition is a repeated-measures (or within-subject) factor, and X is between-subjects quantitative variable such as age (i.e., X varies across subjects, but does not vary across the levels of Condition).

I would like to obtain the posterior distribution for X at each level of the Condition factor. So, I’m thinking to perform the following Bayesian model:

options(mc.cores = 4)
fm ← stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1+X | Condition), data=dat, chain=4)

Then I can pull out the posterior distribution for X at each Condition level based on the output of the above model. However, as X does not vary across the levels, I’m not sure if the above multilevel model is appropriate for the part of (1+X | Condition). For example, In the conventional statistics, the following linear mixed-effects model does not seem to make sense to me:

fm2 ← lmer(Value ~ X + (1 | Subject) + (1 + X | Condition), data = dat)

Sometimes the fm2 model may fail to converge. Even if it converges, in the output of summary(fm2), the problem will show up in the correlation being -1 between the random effects of intercept and X for the part of (1 + X | Condition).

So, here are my questions:

  1. With the following Bayesian model,

fm0 ← stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1 | Condition), data=dat, chain=4)

Is there a way to obtain the posterior distribution for X at each ‘Condition’ level?

  1. Is the following Bayesian model meaningful even though the corresponding lmer() model is not?

fm ← stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1+X | Condition), data=dat, chain=4)

  1. When X is a between-subject factor such as gender (instead of quantitative variable), would the answers for 1) and 2) above remain the same?

(1) The coef method will return the sum of the posterior medians for the common parameters and the group-specific parameters. To get the entire posterior distribution, you would have to do some stuff yourself involving as.matrix or
(2) The fact that lmer does not converge or converges to implausible values does not mean that there is anything wrong with the model. However, you might also try Value ~ -1 + X * condition + (1 | Subject), data = dat, QR = TRUE if you are not interested in making inferences about conditions that are not present in your dataset.
(3) Yes


Thanks for the quick help. I really appreciate it!

The coef method will return the sum of the posterior medians for the common parameters and the group-specific parameters. To get the entire posterior distribution, you would have to do some stuff yourself involving as.matrix or

Is there any example or weblink that illustrates a way to obtain the posterior distribution for X at each Condition level for a model like the following:

fm0 ← stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1 | Condition), data=dat, chain=4)

Thanks again for the great help!

Do you mean fm0 <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (X | Condition), data = dat)? If so, it would be something like

df <-
pX <- sapply(levels(dat$Condition), FUN = function(j) {
    df$X + df[,paste0("b[X Condition:", j, "])]
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Thanks a lot for the code!

Do you mean fm0 <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (X | Condition), data = dat)?

My goal is to obtain the posterior distribution for X at each Condition level. However, I was not so sure if I could achieve that goal with the simpler model:

fm0 <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1 | Condition), data = dat)

Your most recent response does seem to indicate that I would have to go with the following model to obtain the posterior distribution of X at each Condition level:

fm1 <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (X | Condition), data = dat)

Please correct me if I misunderstand the situation.

In this model,

the posterior distribution of the coefficient on X is the same for all levels of Condition.

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The fact that lmer does not converge or converges to implausible values does not mean that there is anything wrong with the model.

Again my goal is to obtain the posterior distribution for the effect of X at each Condition level. One statistician I consulted with argues that the Bayesian model below does not make sense because X only varies across subjects, but it does not vary across the Condition levels:

fm <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1+X | Condition), data=dat)

When I run the above model, I do notice that the standard error for the posterior distribution of X is virtually the same across all the Condition levels, which is probably not surprising because X is a constant for each Subject.

So, my main concern is this: is fm a legitimate model that can be formulated to obtain the posterior distribution for the effect of X at each Condition level, even though X (e.g., age) is a constant for each Subject across the Condition levels (and the posterior standard error seems to be the same)?

However, you might also try Value ~ -1 + X * condition + (1 | Subject), data = dat, QR = TRUE if you are not interested in making inferences about conditions that are not present in your dataset.

Another suggestion is to run the following model

fm2 <- stan_lmer(Value ~ 0 + Condition + X:Condition + (1 | Subject), data=dat)

and obtain the posterior distribution of X at each Condition level.

I prefer the original model fm because of partial pooling involved. Any reasons I should choose the second model fm2 instead of fm?

I don’t see why it would be inconceivable that the coefficient on X could vary according to the level of Condition even if X does not vary. It is more than a bit weird to estimate a model like lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1+X | Condition), data=dat) via (restricted) maximum likelihood because that requires that the levels of Condition be a random sample from some population of Conditions. From a Bayesian perspective stan_lmer(Value ~ 1 + X + (1 | Subject) + (1+X | Condition), data = dat and stan_lmer(Value ~ 0 + Condition + X:Condition + (1 | Subject), data = dat) are pretty much the same model (especially if you use sum-to-zero contrasts) except the former estimates the standard deviation in the coefficient on X across levels of Condition and the latter does not.