I am trying to fit a Hierarchical Bayes model emulating the hBayesDM approach. It is working and I have three studies, and two of the studies have multiple different between subjects conditions. Right now, for any between-subjects inference, I just fit the models separately for each condition and then compare their group distributions. This is what hBayesDM vignette advises as well.
However, I am thinking it may be better to assume they are all conditions drawn from the same population distribution, right? And treat each distribution as it’s own separate group-level distribution within the population-level distribution? How might I accomplish this?
Below is my code:
data {
int<lower=1> nSubjects; // number of subjects total
int<lower = 1> maxTrials; //number of testing/generalization trials
int<lower = 1> maxTrain; // max number of training trials
int<lower = 1> nTrain[nSubjects]; // per participant number of training trials
int<lower = 1> nTrials[nSubjects]; //per participant number of testing/generalization trials
int<lower = 0, upper = 2> groupChoice[nSubjects,maxTrials]; // which group chosen
real sg[nSubjects, maxTrials]; // self-weighted similarity
vector[maxTrain] prevSim[nSubjects, maxTrials]; // 3-dimensional matrix of subject's training traits similarities to testing traits
//int<lower = 0, upper = 7> prevSelf[nSubjects,maxTrain]; // matrix of training self-evaluations
vector[maxTrain] prevSelf[nSubjects]; // matrix of training self-evaluations
parameters {
// Declare all parameters as vectors for vectorizing
// Hyper(group)-parameters
vector[3] mu_pr;
vector<lower=0>[3] sigma;
// Subject-level raw parameters (for Matt trick)
vector[nSubjects] tau_pr; // inverse temperature
vector[nSubjects] m_pr; // slope for ingroup
vector[nSubjects] bias_pr; // slope for bias
transformed parameters {
// subject-level parameters
vector<lower=0, upper=10>[nSubjects] tau; # temperature
vector<lower=0, upper=10>[nSubjects] m; # growth rate
vector<lower=0, upper=1>[nSubjects] bias; # bias
for (i in 1:nSubjects) {
tau[i] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1] + sigma[1] * tau_pr[i]) * 10;
m[i] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[2] + sigma[2] * m_pr[i]) * 10;
bias[i] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[3] + sigma[3] * bias_pr[i]);
model {
// Hyperparameters
mu_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
sigma ~ normal(0, 0.2);
//sigma[3:4] ~ cauchy(0, 0.35);
// individual parameters
tau_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
m_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
bias_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
vector[2] simW;
vector[2] prob;
vector[nTrain[s]] curSelf;
vector[nTrain[s]] GPin;
vector[nTrain[s]] GPout;
vector[nTrain[s]] PS;
GPin[1:nTrain[s]] = rep_vector(1,nTrain[s])./(1 + exp((-m[s])*(prevSelf[s,1:nTrain[s]]-4))); # logistic function for transforming eval ratings to ingroup
GPout[1:nTrain[s]] = rep_vector(1,nTrain[s])./(1 + exp((m[s])*(prevSelf[s,1:nTrain[s]]-4))); # logistic function for transforming eval ratings to outgroup
for (t in 1:nTrials[s]) {
PS[1:nTrain[s]] = prevSim[s,t,1:nTrain[s]]; // similarities from training to current generalization trait
simW[1] = dot_product(GPout[1:nTrain[s]],PS); # dot-product of ingroup and sim
simW[2] = dot_product(GPin[1:nTrain[s]],PS); #dot-product of ingroup and sim
prob[1] = ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[1] ) ,tau[s] ) ) / ( ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( simW[1] , tau[s] ) ) + ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) ); // convert to probabilities
prob[2] = ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) / ( ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( simW[1] , tau[s] ) ) + ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) ); // convert to probabilities
groupChoice[s,t] ~ categorical( prob );
generated quantities {
// For group level parameters
real<lower=0, upper=10> mu_tau;
real<lower=0, upper=10> mu_m;
real<lower=0, upper=1> mu_bias;
// For log likelihood calculation
real log_lik[nSubjects];
// For posterior predictive check
real y_pred[nSubjects, maxTrials];
// Set all posterior predictions to 0 (avoids NULL values)
for (i in 1:nSubjects) {
for (t in 1:maxTrials) {
y_pred[i, t] = -1;
//mu_A = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1]);
mu_tau = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1]) * 10;
mu_m = Phi_approx(mu_pr[2]) * 10;
mu_bias = Phi_approx(mu_pr[3]);
{ // local section, this saves time and space
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
vector[2] simW;
vector[2] prob;
vector[nTrain[s]] curSelf;
vector[nTrain[s]] GPin;
vector[nTrain[s]] GPout;
vector[nTrain[s]] PS;
log_lik[s] = 0;
GPin[1:nTrain[s]] = rep_vector(1,nTrain[s])./(1 + exp((-m[s])*(prevSelf[s,1:nTrain[s]]-4)));
GPout[1:nTrain[s]] = rep_vector(1,nTrain[s])./(1 + exp((m[s])*(prevSelf[s,1:nTrain[s]]-4)));
for (t in 1:nTrials[s]) {
PS[1:nTrain[s]] = prevSim[s,t,1:nTrain[s]]; // similarities from training to current generalization trait
simW[1] = dot_product(GPout[1:nTrain[s]],PS);
simW[2] = dot_product(GPin[1:nTrain[s]],PS);
prob[1] = ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[1] ) ,tau[s] ) ) / ( ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( simW[1] , tau[s] ) ) + ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) ); // convert to probabilities
prob[2] = ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) / ( ( (1 - bias[s]) * pow( simW[1] , tau[s] ) ) + ( (bias[s]) * pow( ( simW[2] ) ,tau[s] ) ) ); // convert to probabilities
// compute log likelihood of current trial
log_lik[s] += categorical_lpmf( groupChoice[s, t] | prob );
// generate posterior prediction for current trial
y_pred[s, t] = categorical_rng(prob);
I am thinking maybe I could modify it so that vector[3] mu_pr denoting the group-level estimates for the parameters is the overall population, and then there are vector[nGroups] sub_mu_pr denoting sub groups for as many conditions/studies as there were.
Does anyone have advice on how to implement a hierarchical bayes model where instead of estimating the model separately each time for each condition/study, it’s estimated simultaneously for all groups and treats conditons/between-subjects groups as being drawn from an overall group distribution?
Thank you for any advice!