Multivariate latent variable model (factor analysis) in brms

I have read the excellent Estimating Multivariate Models with brms as well as Latent Variable Modelling in brms and have attempted to use the later to explore model based ordination.
For education and testing purposes, I am looking to use the spider abundance data used in examples in the R packages mvabund and ecoCopula.
I have also explored pure STAN options, such as Identifiability of GLLVM (factor analytic model).
Whilst the STAN option runs very quickly and yields vaguely sensible results, my attempts at a brms based approach are not working at all.

Following is a very minimal script. Note, for brevity I have omitted prior definitions. I appreciate that more informative priors might well help substantially, however, all the attempts I have made have not made substantial gains. Note also that I have opted for a single chain to assist with issues of identifiability.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

spider.abund <- spider$abund |> |>
  mutate(X1 = as.numeric(NA),
         X2 = as.numeric(NA))
form1 <- bf(Alopacce ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form2 <- bf(Alopcune ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form3 <- bf(Alopfabr ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form4 <- bf(Arctlute ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form5 <- bf(Arctperi ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form6 <- bf(Auloalbi ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form7 <- bf(Pardlugu ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form8 <- bf(Pardmont ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form9 <- bf(Pardnigr ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form10 <- bf(Pardpull ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form11 <- bf(Trocterr ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
form12 <- bf(Zoraspin ~ 0 + mi(X1)+ mi(X2), family = negbinomial())
formX1 <- bf(X1 | mi() ~ 0)
formX2 <- bf(X2 | mi() ~ 0)

fact.form <- form1 + form2 + form3 + form4 + form5 + form6 + form7 + form8 + form9 +
     form10 + form11 + form12 +
     formX1 + formX2 + set_rescor(rescor = FALSE)

mod <- brm(fact.form,
     data =  spider.abund,
     iter =  5000,
     warmup =  1000,
     chains =  1, cores =  1,
     thin =  1,
     control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99, max_treedepth = 20),
     backend =  'cmdstanr')


It looks like you are going for a 2-factor model here. In your current specification, X1 is identical to X2, so the parameters are not identified and the chains will not converge.

I think you need something from the “Identifiability of GLLVM” link that you provided, like fix the upper triangle of loadings to 0 and ensure the diagonal values are 1. In the brms code, this would be something like

form1 <- bf(Alopacce ~ 0 + mi(X1), family = negbinomial())

and then, for the Alopacce ~ mi(X1) and Alopcune ~ mi(X2) parameters, do the thing from the Claessens link where the priors are highly informative around 1.

Thanks for your reply. On reflection, I realise that my question did not make clear that what I was seeking to achieve was a Bayesian modelling approach to regular algorithmic ordination (such as multidimensional scaling) and permanova. Frequentist versions are supported via the mvabund and ecoCopula R packages and a jags version via the boral R package.

I don’t know those packages well but on brief look, it appears that you have the right type of model. Those other packages seem to handle identification issues under the hood, whereas you need to handle them yourself in brms.