Brms automatically scaling response variables in a multivariate model?


I want to estimate among individual (random intercepts) correlations between behaviours at different levels of experience within a multivariate modelling framework. Although the model indicates that the maximum treedepth has been reached, all the other diagnostics seem fine. Unfortunately, the model output is too large for me to share it here, and the data is private at the moment. I will thus do my best to describe my question.

My problem is that the model seems to estimate the means of each individual random intercept on a standardized scale, while all my response variables were not standardized. I will describe my findings below.

Here is the model that I fitted with brms 2.16.3 :

# =======================================================================
# 3. Build the multivariate model 
# =======================================================================

# We first compute submodels for each level of experience
# These submodels will be added in a joint model that
# will estimate all the covariances

# Speed at three levels of experience -----------------------------------

speed_novice <- bf(
  speed_novice | subset(sub1) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id) +
      (1 | environment_id) +
      (1 | predator_avatar_id),
  sigma ~  
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

speed_intermediate <- bf(
  speed_interm | subset(sub2) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id) +
      (1 | environment_id) +
      (1 | predator_avatar_id),
  sigma ~  
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

speed_advanced <- bf(
  speed_advanced | subset(sub3) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id) +
      (1 | environment_id) +
      (1 | predator_avatar_id),
  sigma ~  
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

# Prey speed at three levels of experience ------------------------------

prey_speed_novice <- bf(
  prey_speed_novice | subset(sub1) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id),
  sigma ~  
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

prey_speed_intermediate <- bf(
  prey_speed_interm | subset(sub2) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id),
  sigma ~ 
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

prey_speed_advanced <- bf(
  prey_speed_advanced | subset(sub3) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id),
  sigma ~  
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + gaussian()

# Hunting success at three levels of experience -------------------------

# Compute the custom family

beta_binomial2 <- custom_family(
  "beta_binomial2", dpars = c("mu", "phi"),
  links = c("logit", "log"), lb = c(NA, 0),
  type = "int", vars = "vint1[n]"

# Function
stan_funs <- "
  real beta_binomial2_lpmf(int y, real mu, real phi, int T) {
    return beta_binomial_lpmf(y | T, mu * phi, (1 - mu) * phi);
  int beta_binomial2_rng(real mu, real phi, int T) {
    return beta_binomial_rng(T, mu * phi, (1 - mu) * phi);

# Variables
stanvars <- stanvar(scode = stan_funs, block = "functions")

# Sub models
success_novice <- bf(
  success_novice | vint(4) + subset(sub1) ~ 
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + beta_binomial2

success_interm <- bf(
  success_interm | vint(4) + subset(sub2) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + beta_binomial2

success_advanced <- bf(
  success_advanced | vint(4) + subset(sub3) ~
      1 + Zgame_duration +
      (1 |a| predator_id)
) + beta_binomial2

# priors ----------------------------------------------------------------

priors <- c(
  # Prior on game duration
  set_prior("normal(0, 2)", 
            class = "b",
            coef = "Zgame_duration",
            resp = c("speednovice",
  # priors on var. parameters (brms automatically detects half-normal)
  set_prior("normal(0, 1)",
            class = "sd", # applies to all variance parameters
            resp = c("speednovice",
  # priors on phi
  set_prior("normal(2, 1)",
            class = "phi",
            resp = c("successnovice",
            class = "cor",
            group = "predator_id")

# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================

# =======================================================================
# 4. Run the multivariate model 
# =======================================================================

# ( nitt - burnin ) / thin = 1000
fit <- brm(speed_novice +
                speed_intermediate +
                speed_advanced +
                prey_speed_novice +
                prey_speed_intermediate +
                prey_speed_advanced +
                success_novice +
                success_interm +
                success_advanced +
                warmup = 500, 
                iter = 2500,
                thin = 8,
                chains = 4, 
                inits = "0",
                threads = threading(12),
                backend = "cmdstanr",
                seed = 123,
                prior = priors,
                sample_prior = TRUE,
                control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99),
                stanvars = stanvars,
                #save_pars = save_pars(all = TRUE),
                data = data)

Here is the model summary :

r$> summary
 Family: MV(gaussian, gaussian, gaussian, gaussian, gaussian, gaussian, beta_binomial2, beta_binomial2, beta_binomial2) 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = identity; sigma = log
         mu = logit; phi = identity
         mu = logit; phi = identity
         mu = logit; phi = identity 
Formula: speed_novice | subset(sub1) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id) + (1 | environment_id) + (1 | predator_avatar_id)
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         speed_interm | subset(sub2) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id) + (1 | environment_id) + (1 | predator_avatar_id)
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         speed_advanced | subset(sub3) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id) + (1 | environment_id) + (1 | predator_avatar_id)
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         prey_speed_novice | subset(sub1) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         prey_speed_interm | subset(sub2) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         prey_speed_advanced | subset(sub3) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id) 
         sigma ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         success_novice | vint(4) + subset(sub1) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         success_interm | vint(4) + subset(sub2) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id)
         success_advanced | vint(4) + subset(sub3) ~ 1 + Zgame_duration + (1 | a | predator_id) 
   Data: data (Number of observations: 87900)
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 2500; warmup = 500; thin = 8;
         total post-warmup draws = 1000

Group-Level Effects: 
~environment_id (Number of levels: 35) 
                            Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(speednovice_Intercept)       0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03 1.00      932      951
sd(speedinterm_Intercept)       0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03 1.00     1036      986
sd(speedadvanced_Intercept)     0.03      0.00     0.02     0.04 1.01     1070      990

~predator_avatar_id (Number of levels: 23) 
                            Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(speednovice_Intercept)       0.30      0.05     0.22     0.41 1.00      903      884
sd(speedinterm_Intercept)       0.36      0.06     0.27     0.49 1.00      876      930
sd(speedadvanced_Intercept)     0.39      0.06     0.29     0.53 1.00      818      954

~predator_id (Number of levels: 341)
                                                                       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(speednovice_Intercept)                                                  0.20      0.01     0.18     0.22 1.00      708      785
sd(sigma_speednovice_Intercept)                                            0.42      0.02     0.39     0.46 1.00      858      996
sd(speedinterm_Intercept)                                                  0.30      0.01     0.28     0.33 1.00      856     1035
sd(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept)                                            0.44      0.02     0.40     0.47 1.00      782      992
sd(speedadvanced_Intercept)                                                0.26      0.01     0.23     0.29 1.00      944      927
sd(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)                                          0.47      0.02     0.42     0.52 1.00      857      950
sd(preyspeednovice_Intercept)                                              0.09      0.00     0.08     0.10 1.00      949     1033
sd(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)                                        0.06      0.01     0.05     0.08 1.00      931     1006
sd(preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                                              0.10      0.00     0.09     0.11 1.00      962      953
sd(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                                        0.06      0.01     0.05     0.07 1.01     1050      914
sd(preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                                            0.12      0.01     0.10     0.13 1.00      859      861
sd(sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                                      0.07      0.01     0.06     0.09 1.00      981      898
sd(successnovice_Intercept)                                                0.72      0.03     0.66     0.78 1.00      943      918
sd(successinterm_Intercept)                                                0.63      0.03     0.58     0.68 1.00      910      964
sd(successadvanced_Intercept)                                              0.61      0.04     0.55     0.69 1.00      903      785
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_speednovice_Intercept)                    -0.73      0.03    -0.78    -0.67 1.00      831      953
cor(speednovice_Intercept,speedinterm_Intercept)                           0.74      0.03     0.67     0.79 1.01      719      846
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,speedinterm_Intercept)                    -0.51      0.05    -0.59    -0.42 1.00      582      877
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_speedinterm_Intercept)                    -0.51      0.04    -0.59    -0.42 1.00      824      915
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,sigma_speedinterm_Intercept)               0.67      0.04     0.60     0.73 1.00      764      865
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_speedinterm_Intercept)                    -0.56      0.04    -0.63    -0.47 1.00      825      984
cor(speednovice_Intercept,speedadvanced_Intercept)                         0.56      0.05     0.45     0.64 1.00      867      949
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,speedadvanced_Intercept)                  -0.38      0.06    -0.49    -0.26 1.00      757      960
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,speedadvanced_Intercept)                         0.89      0.02     0.84     0.93 1.00      895      945
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,speedadvanced_Intercept)                  -0.54      0.05    -0.63    -0.43 1.00      720      966
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)                  -0.40      0.07    -0.53    -0.27 1.00      833      881
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)             0.42      0.06     0.29     0.54 1.01      765      868
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)                  -0.47      0.06    -0.57    -0.35 1.00      917      989
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)             0.69      0.04     0.59     0.77 1.00      773      861
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept)                -0.62      0.05    -0.70    -0.52 1.00      889     1038
cor(speednovice_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)                       0.29      0.05     0.18     0.39 1.00      902      955
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)                -0.16      0.06    -0.27    -0.04 1.00     1018      882
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)                       0.17      0.05     0.06     0.27 1.00      950      993
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)                -0.08      0.06    -0.20     0.04 1.00      951      969
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)                     0.12      0.06    -0.01     0.25 1.00      760      879
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeednovice_Intercept)              -0.12      0.07    -0.25     0.03 1.00      735      869
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)                -0.27      0.08    -0.42    -0.12 1.00      959      914
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)           0.23      0.08     0.07     0.39 1.00      968      907
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)                -0.18      0.08    -0.32    -0.01 1.00      966      833
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)           0.10      0.08    -0.07     0.26 1.00     1038      929
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)              -0.21      0.09    -0.36    -0.04 1.00      937      835
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)         0.10      0.10    -0.08     0.28 1.00     1038      918
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept)            -0.43      0.08    -0.58    -0.27 1.00     1072     1015
cor(speednovice_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                       0.38      0.05     0.28     0.47 1.00     1013     1037
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                -0.24      0.06    -0.36    -0.13 1.00      835      902
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                       0.36      0.05     0.26     0.45 1.00      971      988
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                -0.26      0.06    -0.36    -0.15 1.00      900      910
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                     0.33      0.06     0.22     0.44 1.01      690      952
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)              -0.21      0.07    -0.35    -0.06 1.00      709      955
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                   0.72      0.04     0.64     0.78 1.00     1046      948
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,preyspeedinterm_Intercept)            -0.23      0.09    -0.39    -0.06 1.00      895      917
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                -0.19      0.08    -0.34    -0.03 1.00     1013      986
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)           0.15      0.08    -0.00     0.31 1.00      928     1009
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)                -0.26      0.08    -0.41    -0.11 1.00     1020      993
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)           0.35      0.07     0.20     0.49 1.00     1039      908
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)              -0.38      0.07    -0.53    -0.23 1.00      994     1037
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)         0.35      0.08     0.19     0.50 1.00      965      842
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)            -0.17      0.08    -0.32    -0.02 1.00     1020      849
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)       0.29      0.11     0.07     0.49 1.00      824      904
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept)            -0.48      0.07    -0.61    -0.32 1.00     1075      989
cor(speednovice_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                     0.18      0.07     0.03     0.32 1.00     1038     1075
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)              -0.20      0.07    -0.34    -0.05 1.00      931     1010
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                     0.29      0.06     0.16     0.41 1.00      970      992
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)              -0.25      0.07    -0.38    -0.11 1.00     1008      992
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                   0.38      0.06     0.25     0.49 1.00      976      915
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)            -0.26      0.07    -0.39    -0.11 1.00      877      994
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                 0.45      0.07     0.32     0.57 1.00     1037      981
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)          -0.30      0.10    -0.49    -0.09 1.00      657      861
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)                 0.69      0.05     0.59     0.78 1.00      966     1038
cor(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept,preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)          -0.44      0.08    -0.58    -0.27 1.00      910      915
cor(speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)              -0.12      0.10    -0.30     0.07 1.00     1113     1062
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)         0.22      0.10     0.01     0.41 1.00     1009      917
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)              -0.14      0.10    -0.32     0.06 1.00     1035      954
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)         0.22      0.10     0.03     0.41 1.00     1052      886
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)            -0.18      0.10    -0.38     0.04 1.00      999     1061
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)       0.31      0.10     0.09     0.50 1.00     1003     1039
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)          -0.27      0.11    -0.48    -0.07 1.00     1036      978
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)     0.23      0.14    -0.04     0.49 1.00      712      770
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)          -0.28      0.10    -0.47    -0.07 1.00     1024      902
cor(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)     0.42      0.11     0.18     0.63 1.00     1085      978
cor(preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept)        -0.46      0.09    -0.64    -0.28 1.00      936     1033
cor(speednovice_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                         0.11      0.05     0.01     0.21 1.00      945      780
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                  -0.22      0.05    -0.31    -0.12 1.00      871      890
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                         0.10      0.05    -0.01     0.20 1.00      729      835
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                  -0.14      0.06    -0.24    -0.03 1.00      898      902
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                       0.01      0.06    -0.12     0.13 1.01      700      820
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                -0.07      0.07    -0.21     0.06 1.00      807      772
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                    -0.01      0.06    -0.13     0.11 1.00      925     1033
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)               0.39      0.08     0.23     0.54 1.00      575      742
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                     0.19      0.06     0.07     0.30 1.00      935      990
cor(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)              -0.01      0.08    -0.16     0.15 1.00      680      993
cor(preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)                   0.05      0.07    -0.08     0.19 1.00      908      916
cor(sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successnovice_Intercept)             0.08      0.09    -0.10     0.26 1.00      877      916
cor(speednovice_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                         0.11      0.06    -0.01     0.22 1.00      773      956
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                  -0.13      0.06    -0.24    -0.02 1.00      767      749
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                         0.31      0.05     0.21     0.41 1.01      739      982
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                  -0.14      0.06    -0.25    -0.03 1.00      904      801
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                       0.24      0.06     0.12     0.35 1.00      726      876
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                -0.10      0.07    -0.24     0.04 1.00      803      946
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                     0.02      0.06    -0.09     0.14 1.00      953      992
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)               0.31      0.08     0.14     0.46 1.00      712      829
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                     0.12      0.06     0.01     0.23 1.00      911      851
cor(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)               0.08      0.08    -0.08     0.23 1.00      683      918
cor(preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                   0.02      0.07    -0.11     0.16 1.00      948      916
cor(sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)             0.03      0.10    -0.16     0.22 1.00      713      813
cor(successnovice_Intercept,successinterm_Intercept)                       0.80      0.02     0.75     0.85 1.00     1013      866
cor(speednovice_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                      -0.06      0.07    -0.19     0.07 1.00      714      908
cor(sigma_speednovice_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                -0.03      0.06    -0.15     0.10 1.00      954      917
cor(speedinterm_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                       0.11      0.06    -0.03     0.22 1.00      781      904
cor(sigma_speedinterm_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                -0.14      0.07    -0.26    -0.01 1.00     1024      955
cor(speedadvanced_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                     0.19      0.06     0.06     0.31 1.00      877      909
cor(sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)              -0.24      0.07    -0.37    -0.10 1.01      948      924
cor(preyspeednovice_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                   0.01      0.07    -0.13     0.15 1.00      953      929
cor(sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)             0.30      0.09     0.11     0.47 1.00      696      815
cor(preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                   0.12      0.07    -0.00     0.25 1.00      879      953
cor(sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)            -0.05      0.09    -0.22     0.11 1.00      634      953
cor(preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                 0.06      0.07    -0.09     0.19 1.00      935      954
cor(sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)           0.10      0.10    -0.09     0.29 1.00      819      915
cor(successnovice_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                     0.72      0.04     0.64     0.79 1.00     1114      995
cor(successinterm_Intercept,successadvanced_Intercept)                     0.83      0.03     0.75     0.88 1.00      870      811

Population-Level Effects:
                                       Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
speednovice_Intercept                      3.27      0.06     3.14     3.39 1.00      620      717
sigma_speednovice_Intercept               -1.28      0.02    -1.33    -1.23 1.02      270      601
speedinterm_Intercept                      3.25      0.07     3.10     3.39 1.00      542      662
sigma_speedinterm_Intercept               -1.24      0.03    -1.29    -1.19 1.01      549      927
speedadvanced_Intercept                    3.25      0.08     3.08     3.41 1.00      445      527
sigma_speedadvanced_Intercept             -1.27      0.03    -1.34    -1.21 1.00      604      743
preyspeednovice_Intercept                  2.33      0.01     2.32     2.34 1.00      902      967
sigma_preyspeednovice_Intercept           -1.16      0.01    -1.17    -1.15 1.00      960      889
preyspeedinterm_Intercept                  2.41      0.01     2.39     2.42 1.01      846      834
sigma_preyspeedinterm_Intercept           -1.21      0.01    -1.22    -1.20 1.00      922      920
preyspeedadvanced_Intercept                2.39      0.01     2.37     2.41 1.00      892      948
sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Intercept         -1.23      0.01    -1.25    -1.21 1.00      979      992
successnovice_Intercept                   -0.01      0.04    -0.08     0.07 1.01      844     1036
successinterm_Intercept                    0.06      0.04    -0.01     0.13 1.00      784      962
successadvanced_Intercept                  0.17      0.04     0.09     0.26 1.00      847      901
speednovice_Zgame_duration                 0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03 1.01     1062      930
sigma_speednovice_Zgame_duration          -0.12      0.00    -0.12    -0.11 1.00      764      819
speedinterm_Zgame_duration                 0.03      0.00     0.02     0.03 1.01      908      808
sigma_speedinterm_Zgame_duration          -0.11      0.00    -0.12    -0.10 1.00      915      900
speedadvanced_Zgame_duration               0.03      0.00     0.03     0.03 1.00     1039      954
sigma_speedadvanced_Zgame_duration        -0.12      0.00    -0.13    -0.11 1.00      883      904
preyspeednovice_Zgame_duration            -0.02      0.00    -0.03    -0.02 1.00      813      851
sigma_preyspeednovice_Zgame_duration      -0.06      0.00    -0.07    -0.05 1.00     1047      985
preyspeedinterm_Zgame_duration            -0.02      0.00    -0.02    -0.02 1.00     1143      803
sigma_preyspeedinterm_Zgame_duration      -0.07      0.00    -0.08    -0.06 1.00     1059      877
preyspeedadvanced_Zgame_duration          -0.01      0.00    -0.01    -0.01 1.00      990      955
sigma_preyspeedadvanced_Zgame_duration    -0.05      0.00    -0.06    -0.04 1.00     1054     1013
successnovice_Zgame_duration               0.58      0.01     0.56     0.60 1.00     1018     1083
successinterm_Zgame_duration               0.60      0.01     0.59     0.62 1.00     1048      933
successadvanced_Zgame_duration             0.62      0.01     0.59     0.64 1.00     1002      883

Family Specific Parameters:
                    Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
phi_successnovice       2.32      0.04     2.25     2.40 1.00      967      947
phi_successinterm       2.06      0.03     2.01     2.12 1.00      961      998
phi_successadvanced     1.95      0.04     1.88     2.02 1.00     1071      994

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

After extracting the draws and arranging them in a table, I observed that the intercepts estimated for each individual have negative values. However, this is not possible since speed is a behaviour that cannot have negative values.

# Print the draws
              value xp_level predator_id   variable sigma
      1: -0.0962975   novice       64485 pred_speed     0
      2: -0.0381041   novice       64485 pred_speed     0
      3: -0.0489391   novice       64485 pred_speed     0
      4: -0.0438618   novice       64485 pred_speed     0
      5: -0.0720291   novice       64485 pred_speed     0
5114996:  0.2171220 advanced     7123830    success     0
5114997: -0.1234150 advanced     7123830    success     0
5114998:  0.0223782 advanced     7123830    success     0
5114999:  0.4907230 advanced     7123830    success     0
5115000:  0.3813070 advanced     7123830    success     0

# Extract vector of speed for novice individuals
vec <- draws[xp_level == "novice" &
             variable == "pred_speed" &
             sigma == 0, value]

# Print values
head(vec, 20)
r$> head(vec, 20)
 [1] -0.0962975 -0.0381041 -0.0489391 -0.0438618 -0.0720291
 [6] -0.0609441 -0.0576778 -0.0228005 -0.0564471 -0.0549230
[11] -0.0489100 -0.0375257 -0.0908298 -0.1012000 -0.1343250
[16] -0.0585265 -0.0694120 -0.0829085 -0.0447254 -0.0714716

If I extract the vector of mean values for novice individuals, and that I apply a back-transformation as if they were standardized, I obtain values that are representative of the speed of the population :

# Calculate mean and sd of speed for novice players
mean1 <- mean(data[xp_level == "novice", pred_speed]) # 3.275457
sd1 <- sd(data[xp_level == "novice", pred_speed]) # 0.4935365

# Apply back-transformation to original scale
vec_original <- (vec * sd1) + mean1

# Print results
head(vec_original, 20)
r$> head(vec_original, 20)
 [1] 3.227931 3.256651 3.251304 3.253810 3.239908 3.245379 3.246991   
 [8] 3.264204 3.247598 3.248350 3.251318 3.256937 3.230629 3.225511   
[15] 3.209163 3.246572 3.241200 3.234539 3.253383 3.240183

Am I missing something or a default feature of brms that I am not aware of? Is it possible that the intercepts are automatically scaled in order to estimate the correlations between variables of different units?

Thank you very much for your help.

I might be answering my own question here.

I generated the stancode of my model fit using stancode(fit), and saved the output in a .txt file. Even though I do not really know how to read the stan code, it seems like the group-level effects are standardized.

See the attached file.
stan.txt (75.5 KB)

Could anyone confirm?

Thank you again :)

the default is to fit the standardized random effects… that’s correct, but things are being output on the non-standardized scale and priors are applied to the original scale.

Thank you for your answer @wds15 .

When you say things are being output on the non-standardized scale, do you mean the population-level effects, phi, etc?

I was only referring to the Stan code which calculates for efficency reasons on the standardised scales. For what is being output I’d suggest to test it using a simple example, not such a huge model. I myself “test” brms quite often as I want to know what it does exactly - there is no way around following what is happening. Since brms is so complex that is what I think is a good thing.

Excellent thank you for your answer!