Hello Stan forum,
a small question, that many of you most likely have come across already.
After standardization of data and model fit I would like to rescale the posterior back to the original non-standardized unit for better interpretation / presentation.
What is your best practice to perform it on a brms fit object?
I understand the considerations behind the design decisions not to include this function into brms: https://github.com/paul-buerkner/brms/issues/440
I usually use „standardize“ from the effectsize package (https://easystats.github.io/effectsize). Which saves the used standardization values (center, scale) per parameter in an attribute with the data which is also in the later brms fit object. So maybe there is an elegant way to access this afterwards and still use the conditional_effects plots from brms?
Is there a tidybayse / tidyverse approach you know of? I could not find anything in that direction so far.
Thanks for your ideas.