I am exploring latent variable model, as described in ecological papers (from Warton, Ovaskainen, Blanchet et al.). The principal aim is to model residual correlations among species abundances after controlling for environmental variables.
After reading the google group discussion and Rick Farouni’s blog post, I tried to reproduce a simple example from the boral package, which realize exactly that by samping posteriors with jags.
EDIT : I just remembered this discussion on discourse, and I realized I have done exactly the same thing. However, I thought I followed Rick’s recommendation, but it seems I encounter the same problems…
I tried different formulations, but I always encounter BFMI warning, and I can’t reproduce boral results.
Here is the stan code
int N; // sample size
int P; // number of species
int D; // number of dimensions
int<lower=0> Y[N,P]; // data matrix of order [N,P]
transformed data{
int<lower=1> M;
M = D*(P-D)+ D*(D-1)/2; // number of lower-triangular, non-zero loadings
vector[N] alpha; //Row intercepts
row_vector[P] b0; // Intercept per species
vector[M] L_lower; //Lower diagonal loadings
vector<lower=0>[D] L_diag; //Positive diagonal elements of loadings
matrix[N,D] FS; //Factor scores, matrix of order [N,D]
cholesky_factor_corr[D] Rho; //Correlation matrix between factors
real<lower=0> sigma_a; //Variance of the row intercepts
real<lower=0> sigma_b0; //Variance of the species intercepts
real<lower=0> mu_lower;
real<lower=0> sigma_lower;
real<lower=0> eta; //Parameter of LKJ prior for Rho
transformed parameters{
cholesky_factor_cov[P,D] lambda; //Final matrix of laodings
vector[D] FS_mu; // factor means
vector<lower=0>[D] FS_sd; // factor standard deviations
matrix[D,D] Ld; // cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix between factors
matrix[N,P] temp; //intermediate predictor
matrix<lower=0>[N,P] mu; // predicted values
for (m in 1:D) {
FS_mu[m] = 0; //Mean of factors = 0
FS_sd[m] = 1;} //Sd of factors = 1
// Correlation matrix of factors
Ld = diag_matrix(FS_sd) * Rho;
int idx2; //Index for the lower diagonal loadings
idx2 = 0;
// Constraints to allow identifiability of loadings
for(i in 1:(D-1)) { for(j in (i+1):(D)){ lambda[i,j] = 0; } } //0 on upper diagonal
for(i in 1:D) lambda[i,i] = L_diag[i]; //Positive values on diagonal
for(j in 1:D) {
for(i in (j+1):P) {
idx2 = idx2+1;
lambda[i,j] = L_lower[idx2];
// Predictor
temp = FS * lambda';
for(n in 1:N) mu[n] = exp(alpha[n] + b0 + temp[n]);
// Hyperpriors
sigma_a ~ gamma(2,0.1); //Row intercepts hyperprior
sigma_b0 ~ gamma(2,0.1); //Species intercept effects hyperprior
mu_lower ~ gamma(2,0.1);//Mean of lower loadings
sigma_lower ~ gamma(2,0.1); //Variance of lower loadings
eta ~ gamma(2,0.1); //Parameter of the cholesky prior for FS correlation structure
// Priors
alpha ~ normal(0, sigma_a); //Regularizing prior for row intercepts
b0 ~ normal(0, sigma_b0); //Regularizing prior for species intercepts
L_diag ~ normal(0,0.1); //Prior for diagonal elements
L_lower ~ normal(mu_lower, sigma_lower); //Regularizing prior for lower loadings
Rho ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(eta); //Regularizing prior for Rho
for(i in 1:N){
Y[i,] ~ poisson(mu[i]);
FS[i,] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(FS_mu, Ld);
generated quantities{
//cov_matrix[P] cov_lambda;
//cov_lambda = lambda * lambda´
And a R code producing the reproducible example.
rm(list = ls())
library(boral) ## require jags
# We will use the spider dataset available in mvabund, pitfall trap counts of 12 hunting spider species at 28 sites. First load it from mvabund:
# Cherry-pick a few variables
spid.abund = spider$abund[,c(1:3,7,8,12)]
## Prepare data for stan model
Y <- spid.abund
N <- nrow(Y)
P <- ncol(Y)
D <- 3
StanDat <- list(Y = Y, N = N, P = P, D = D)
## Fit the model with stan
lvm_stan <- stan("Simple_latent_matrix.stan", data = StanDat,
iter = 2000, chain = 3, cores = 3)
## Fit the model with boral
lvm_boral <- boral(y = Y, num.lv = D, family = "poisson", row.eff = "random")
Any idea?
Thank you!