I have a vector of observations y (of length N) with associated indices (ii, jj, kk), each of length N, and an array of parameters theta[i, j, k] in my model, and I would like to write a vectorised sampling statement equivalent to
for (l in 1:N) y[l] ~ normal(theta[ii[l], jj[l], kk[l]], sigma);
Is it possible to vectorise this directly? If not, does it make sense to do it indirectly, somehow, like vectorizing (“raveling”) the three-dimensional array and computing the indices to the vector manually?
The only comment I would make is that, if this is the only time theta is used, then could theta be a single dimensional vector of length L? In that case vectorization would be possible. Is theta being used elsewhere?
Thanks for your reply. Yes, theta is used elsewhere. The last index is time, and there is an AR-like model over that index. And later there will be more structure over the other indices, maybe.
I saw the Matrix Indexing Table but suspected that there may be another syntax hiding somewhere. ;)
There seems to be to_array_1d— I guess I’ll try it and compute the index manually.
For reference (if it helps), 3 dimensional arrays are C++ std::vectors of std::vectors of std::vectors. Stan Matrix and vector types are Eigen Matrix and Vector types. The biggest performance boost from vectorization is when there’s room for lots of shared calculation. I don’t think that’s true for a bunch of scalar normal_lpdf evaluations, but I don’t have a great feel for what’s gonna be fast and slow here. You could very well get some performance boost by shuffling things around and making the memory happier.