I am trying to operate on a three-dimensional array and perform a simple mathematical formula by selecting and indexing a single vector from this 80x131x296 matrix. I declare my three dimensional matrix as below
int dists[nSubjects, maxTrials, 296];
And I attempt to perform an operation using the a vector of 296 elements as below:
v = v + ( A[s] ./ ( 1 + dists[s, t, ] ) ) * pe;
However, for this I receive the error “No matches for: Available argument signatures for operator +: Expression is ill formed.”
I am not sure why Stan seems unhappy with me using an indexed vector of the three dimensional array in the formula. Stan remains unhappy even if I attempt to assign this indexed vector to a one-dimensional vector of 296 elements, as below, despite this seeming to be the way that the stan manual recommends indexing from three dimensional arrays.
curDists = dists[s,t,];
The only way that I can get Stan to accept this formula and allow the indexing is for me to (inefficeintly) iterate through all 296 elements of dists and assign them to the curDists vector one-by-one as follows:
for(i in 1:296){
curDists[i] = dists[s,t,i];
v = v + ( A[s] ./ ( 1 + curDists ) ) * pe;
Stan is finally happy and allows me to index and perform the formula once I assign them one-by-one. This is very inefficient though and I would like to vectorize. Does anyone know why I am having these issues? Why I cannot index a single vector of 296 elements from the 3-dimensional array? Why I need to assign the elements one-by-one to the vector of 296, rather than just assigning the vector all at once? etc.
My full Stan code is below:
data {
int<lower=1> nSubjects;
int<lower = 1> nArms; //number of bandit arms
int<lower = 1> maxTrials; //number of trials
int<lower = 1> nTrials[nSubjects]; //number of trials per sub
int<lower = 0, upper = 296> cueChoice[nSubjects, maxTrials]; // which cue chosen
int<lower = 0, upper = 2> sideChoice[nSubjects,maxTrials]; //index of which side chosen
real reward[nSubjects,maxTrials]; //outcome of bandit arm pull
int<lower = 0> leftOption[nSubjects, maxTrials]; // left option
int<lower = 0> rightOption[nSubjects, maxTrials]; // right option
//int<lower = 0> dists[nSubjects, maxTrials, 296];
int dists[nSubjects, maxTrials, 296];
transformed data {
vector[296] initV; // initial values for V
initV = rep_vector(0.5, 296);
parameters {
// Declare all parameters as vectors for vectorizing
// Hyper(group)-parameters
vector[2] mu_pr;
vector<lower=0>[2] sigma;
// Subject-level raw parameters (for Matt trick)
vector[nSubjects] A_pr; // learning rate
vector[nSubjects] tau_pr; // inverse temperature
transformed parameters {
// subject-level parameters
vector<lower=0, upper=1>[nSubjects] A;
vector<lower=0, upper=10>[nSubjects] tau;
for (i in 1:nSubjects) {
A[i] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1] + sigma[1] * A_pr[i]);
tau[i] = Phi_approx(mu_pr[2] + sigma[2] * tau_pr[i]) * 10;
model {
// Hyperparameters
mu_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
sigma ~ normal(0, 0.2);
// individual parameters
A_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
tau_pr ~ normal(0, 1);
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
vector[296] v;
real pe;
vector[2] w;
vector[296] curDists;
vector[296] Avec;
v = initV;
for (t in 1:nTrials[s]) {
w[1] = v[leftOption[s,t]];
w[2] = v[rightOption[s,t]];
sideChoice[s,t] ~ categorical_logit( tau[s] * w );
pe = reward[s,t] - v[cueChoice[s,t]];
for(i in 1:296){
curDists[i] = dists[s,t,i];
v = v + ( A[s] ./ ( 1 + curDists ) ) * pe;
//v = v + ( A[s] ./ ( 1 + dists[s,t,] ) ) * pe;
generated quantities {
// For group level parameters
real<lower=0, upper=1> mu_A;
real<lower=0, upper=10> mu_tau;
// For log likelihood calculation
real log_lik[nSubjects];
// For posterior predictive check
real y_pred[nSubjects, maxTrials];
// Set all posterior predictions to 0 (avoids NULL values)
for (i in 1:nSubjects) {
for (t in 1:maxTrials) {
y_pred[i, t] = -1;
mu_A = Phi_approx(mu_pr[1]);
mu_tau = Phi_approx(mu_pr[2]) * 10;
{ // local section, this saves time and space
for (s in 1:nSubjects) {
vector[296] v;
real pe;
vector[2] w;
vector[296] curDists;
v = initV;
log_lik[s] = 0;
for (t in 1:(nTrials[s])) {
w[1] = v[leftOption[s,t]];
w[2] = v[rightOption[s,t]];
// compute log likelihood of current trial
log_lik[s] += categorical_logit_lpmf(sideChoice[s, t] | tau[s] * w);
// generate posterior prediction for current trial
y_pred[s, t] = categorical_rng(softmax(tau[s] * w));
// prediction error
pe = reward[s, t] - v[cueChoice[s, t]];
for(i in 1:296){
curDists[i] = dists[s,t,i];
// value updating (learning)
v += ( A[s] ./ ( 1 + curDists ) ) * pe;
//v += (A[s]/ ( 1 + dists[s, t, 1:2] ) ) * pe;