I am trying to write models in which
(1) parameters are indexed arrays, such as theta[age, sex, region]. In my particular problem there are A=90 ages, S=2 sexes, R=402 regions.
(2) there is prior information about likely parameter differences across different dimensions, such as
(a) theta[a,] - theta[a-1,] ~ N(0,sigma_age) for a=2…A
(b) theta[,1,] - theta[,2,] ~ N(0,sigma_sex)
(c) theta[,reg1] - theta[,reg2] ~ N(0,sigma_reg) for many (reg1,reg2) pairs
(d) etc.
Stan often frustratates my attempts at efficiency because operators like “-” and “+” are undefined for arrays. For example,
parameters {
real theta[A,2,R];
}transformed parameters {
real age_diff[A-1,2,R];
real sex_diff[A,R];for (a in 2:A) {
age_diff[a-1] = theta[a] - theta[a-1];
}sex_diff = theta[1:A, 1, 1:R] - theta[1:A, 2, 1:R];
is not allowed because “-” can’t be used for elementwise subtraction on arrays.
Similarly, it seems that distributional statements like
age_diff ~ normal(0, sigma_age);
sex_diff ~ normal(0, sigma_sex);
are not allowed because the left hand side cannot be an array. I end up converting with
to_array_1d(age_diff) ~ normal(0, sigma_age);
to_array_1d(sex_diff) ~ normal(0, sigma_sex);
but I’m concerned that the recasting via to_array_1d is slowing the program. Recasting is also necessary, as far as I can tell, for many intermediate calculations involving arrays and sub-arrays that I’ve omitted here.
Are there any standard work-arounds for these sorts of problems with multidimensional arrays? Does recasting to and from multidim arrays really slow things down? Are there especially efficient ways to write the distributional statements?