¡Hola Comunidad Stan! This is Roman from Mexico, a Mathematician with a solid background in Statistics (namely in Bayesian Statistics, Non-parametric Statistics, Computational Statistics, (Generalized) Linear Models, (Multivariate) Data Analysis and Spatial Statistics) and proven experience in applying analytical methodology to real-world problems outside academia (Education, Pharmaceutics, Telecommerce and Finance). Find attached my updated resume.
cv.pdf (25.6 KB)
I consider myself to be a Bayesian Statistician, yet I never have work as such. It happened that during my doctoral studies the COVID-19 pandemic compounded everything and even though I was awarded a PhD degree and applied for several postdoctoral positions I could not manage to continue my career in academia. This is why I am writing here to network in order to get remote job in any form as Bayesian. I would really appreciate your support with my quest; please do not hesitate to get in touch with me for any proposal. Below a brief description of my research activities so far.
On the one hand, as part of my master studies, I focused on understanding the mathematical theory underpinning Probability and Statistics, particularly Bayesian Statistics, and in my thesis I implemented Bayesian Disease Mapping techniques for modelling spatial data, namely mortality data (Aguirre-Perez, 2016). On the other hand, in my doctoral studies, I continued with understanding how Spatial Statistics can be used to analyse spatially aggregated data and developed advanced Bayesian statistical models and methodologies to address the problem of producing areal estimates from misaligned spatial data (Aguirre-Perez, 2022). I also coauthored a paper in which we applied statistical methods for assessing the health impact from waste landfills (Shaddick et al., 2018) and provided research support for a project aiming at developing a Distance-based Statistical methodology, ranging from literature review to proposal of new algorithms. For this, I have heavily used \mathsf{R}, \mathsf{Python}, \mathsf{BUGS}, \mathsf{JAGS}, \mathsf{Stan} and other data analytics tools.
Aguirre-Perez, R. (2016). Mapas de Mortalidad Bayesianos. Master’s thesis,
National Autonomous University of Mexico. Available at Repositorio de Tesis DGBSDI: Mapas de mortalidad bayesianos.
Aguirre-Perez, R. (2021). Areal Downscaling – A spatial downscaler for
population counts. Ph.D. thesis, University of Exeter. Available at
Areal Downscaling - A spatial downscaler for population counts.
Shaddick, G., Ranzi, A., Thomas, M. L., Aguirre-Perez, R., Dunbar, M.
B.-N., Parmagnani, F., and Martuzzi, M. (2018). Towards an assessment
of the health impact of industrially contaminated sites: waste landfills in
europe. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 42(5-6):69–75.