Hello All,
The @SGB obtained funding to redesign the website for Stan (mc-stan.org). To goal of the new website is that it should be easier to navigate and cater to the needs of both new and returning users, and the community and developers. Initial effort has already gone into defining constraints and determining a roadmap. Input for this has been collected amongst the developers and community base. With the help of the grant we obtained, Stan is now looking to hire a web developer who could set up a sustainable framework for the new website.
In the roadmap for the website redevelopment some constraints and wishes have been formulated that we’d like to adhere to. To ensure that the community and developers are able to maintain the site in the longrun, the input should be possible to provide via markdown and GitHub.
For the website redesign it should be taken into account that Stan has multiple interfaces, and the site should cater to both new and returning users as well as developers. Taking these constraints into account and looking at what our community considered good websites by other similar projects, we propose to use either Jekyll or Hugo to set-up the framework. A particular preference has been mentioned for the docsy Hugo theme, which is specifically designed for technical documentation and is used by for instance apache airflow. We are open to alternative suggestions by potential developers, as long as they satisfy the possibility of input via markdown and GitHub maintenance.
Are you, or do you know, a web developer interested in taking on this project? Please email board@mc-stan.org. More information can be obtained either via questions in this thread or via the same email adres.
Kind regards,