Given a standard model like y_i \sim \mathcal{Poisson}\left(\lambda\right), then the calculation of the log-likelihood function for using it with the loo package is straightforward:
vector[N] log_lik;
for (n in 1:N) {
log_lik[n] = poisson_lpmf(lambda);
with x_i and y_i jointly distributed.
In this case, how can I write the log-likelihood calculation in the generated quantities of my model?
Thank you in advance!
Thanks @avehtari for the quick answer. I would like to compare the two models proposed by jake thompson to model soccer scores.
Here are the two models:
As I expected, the Poisson terms are independent conditional on the parameters and thus the likelihood is product of those terms and thus log likelihood is sum of these terms. This
Given vector/array arguments, _lpmf and _lpdf functions sum together the log probabilities / densities, and to get the individual terms we need to use for loop in the generated quantities.
This will compute the joint likelihood given h_goals[n] and a_goals[n]. PSIS-LOO computes what would happen if nth log_lik term is removed form the target, and in this case it would correspond to leaving out both observations h_goals[n] and a_goals[n].