Consider a multiresponse (i.e., multivariate) model with correlations between responses j \in J captured by correlated observation-level random effects \nu, and a Poisson observation model for each response.
y_{i,j} \sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda_{i,j})
\text{log}(\lambda_{i,j}) = b_{0_j} + \nu_{i,j}
\nu_i \sim \text{MultiNormal}(\vec{0}, \Sigma) ~\forall~ i \in I
To calculate the pointwise log-likelihood in a way that is sensible for loocv, I am thinking that you need to include both the latent \nu and the observed y. But of course then you have the problem of non-factorizability of the multivariate normal. But we can derive the conditional means and standard deviations using the approach from: BĂĽrkner, P. C., Gabry, J., & Vehtari, A. (2021). Efficient leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian non-factorized normal and Student-t models. Computational Statistics , 36 (2), 1243-1261.
So, putting the pieces together, the pointwise log lik would be:
\text{log_lik}_{i,j} = \text{normal_lpdf}(\nu_{i,j} ~|~ \text{conditional_mu}, \text{conditional_sigma}) \\ + \text{poisson_lpmf}(y_{i,j} ~|~ \text{exp}(b_{0_j} + \nu_{i,j}))
Where conditional mu and conditional sigma are based soley on the latent \nu values and the covariance matrix \Sigma. This formulation takes into account both the latent observation-level parameters and the observed values. Am I on the right track here?