How to increase speed (reduce calculation time) for covariance matrices?

[edit: escaped code]

Dear Stan-community,

I have a model with a covariance matrix as a function of another variable. The calculation time is high and I would like to reduce it.

The model consists of a univariate variable Z (genralized normally distributed).
Z~GN(mean, alpba, beta),
and W is multivariate normally distributed
W~N(mean, COV)
with mean and covariance COV, where COV is a function of Z:
COV[W_i, W,j] = rho_ij * D_i( Z) * D_j( Z)
D_i(Z) is the standard dev and is a linear function of Z.

In the case, when rho_ij is the diagonal matrix (rho_ii=1, rest 0, i.e. un-corellated W), then the run time is 5.5h. If rho is a correlation matrix with rho_ij in [-1,1], then the calculation time is 62h.

Some remarks:
Number of records is 15’000,
pystan uses one core only,
Number of chain is set to chain=1 (increasing the number of chains did not reduce time)

My main question is how can the calculation time be reduced.

Thank you in advance for your helpful comments!



        real func_linear(real z, real zmin, real zmax, real rho_zmin,  real rho_zmax ){
            //  linear interpolation between zmin and zmax
            real y;
            y =  rho_zmin + (z - zmin) * (rho_zmax - rho_zmin) / (zmax - zmin)   ;
            return y;

        real gen_normal_lpdf( vector x, real mu_, real alpha_, real beta_ ) {
            vector[rows(x)] lp;
            int N;

            N = rows(x);
            for(i in 1:N){
               // pdf according to wikipedia
               lp[ i ] = log(beta_) - (log(2*alpha_)+lgamma(1/beta_)) - pow( fabs(x[i]-mu_)/alpha_, beta_ );
            // returns loglikelihood to maximise it (not neg. likelihood!)
            return sum( lp );

data {
    int < lower = 1 > data_n;   // number of values
    int < lower = 1 > axes_n;   // 

    matrix[data_n, axes_n] W;   //  data of ratios values 
    vector[data_n] Z;           //  data of total 

    real <  upper = 1 > prior_W_mean;          // mean priordistribution
    real <  upper = 2 > prior_W_std;           // std dev prior 
    real <  upper = 1 > prior_W_cov;           // CoV for priors

    real < lower = 0 > Z_0;        // start value for Z (Z_min * 0.95), used e.g. for D[A_i(Z)]
    real < lower = 0 > Z_1;        // end value for Z (Z_max * 1.05)
    real < lower = 0 > Z_beta;     // beta parameter for the Z variable as input
    real < lower = 0, upper = 100 > prior_Z_mean;          // prior for mean 
    real < lower = 0, upper = 10 > prior_Z_std;           // prior for std 

transformed data {
    vector < upper = 35> [data_n] W1;
    vector < upper = 35> [data_n] W2;
    vector < upper = 35> [data_n] W3;
    vector < upper = 35> [data_n] W4;

    W1 = W[:, 1];
    W2 = W[:, 2];
    W3 = W[:, 3];
    W4 = W[:, 4];

parameters {
    real < lower = 0, upper = axes_n * 35  >  Z_mean;       //  mean of total 

    real <  upper = 1 > W1_mean;               // mean 
    real <  upper = 1 > W2_mean;               //
    real <  upper = 1 > W3_mean;               //
    real <  upper = 1 > W4_mean;               //

    real < lower = 0, upper = 1 > W1_std_c;   //    Wi_std for Z0
    real < lower = 0, upper = 1 > W2_std_c;   //

    real < lower = 0, upper = 1 > W1_std_d;   //    Wi_std for Z1
    real < lower = 0, upper = 1 > W2_std_d;   //

    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_12;               //    rho
    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_13;               //
    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_14;               //
    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_23;               //
    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_24;               //
    real < lower = -1, upper = 1 > rho_34;               //

    real < lower = 0, upper = axes_n * 20 >     Z_alpha;  //    parameter alpha for Z

transformed parameters{
    matrix < lower = -1000, upper = 1000 > [axes_n, axes_n] COVMAT [data_n];    //  covariance matrix
    cholesky_factor_cov [axes_n] L_COVMAT [data_n] ;                            //  choleski of COVMAT

    vector < upper = 1 > [axes_n]  W_mean;          //  vector of mean values 

    vector < lower = 0, upper = 2 > [data_n] W1_std;   //  std dev 
    vector < lower = 0, upper = 2 > [data_n] W2_std;   //  
    vector < lower = 0, upper = 2 > [data_n] W3_std;   //  
    vector < lower = 0, upper = 2 > [data_n] W4_std;   //  

    W_mean[1]= W1_mean;     //  building the vector with mean values
    W_mean[2]= W2_mean;
    W_mean[3]= W3_mean;
    W_mean[4]= W4_mean;

	for (i in 1:data_n){

        //  calculate STD as a function of Z
        W1_std[i] = func_linear( Z[i], Z_0, Z_1, W1_std_c, W1_std_d) ;
        W2_std[i] = func_linear( Z[i], Z_0, Z_1, W2_std_c, W2_std_d) ;
        W3_std[i] = W2_std[i] ;  // use W2 values
        W4_std[i] = W1_std[i] ;  // use W1 values

        COVMAT[i,1,1] = 1          * W1_std[i] * W1_std[i] + 1e-10;
        COVMAT[i,1,2] = rho_12 * W1_std[i] * W2_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,1,3] = rho_13 * W1_std[i] * W3_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,1,4] = rho_14 * W1_std[i] * W4_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,2,1] = COVMAT[i,1,2];
        COVMAT[i,2,2] = 1          * W2_std[i] * W2_std[i] + 1e-10;
        COVMAT[i,2,3] = rho_23 * W2_std[i] * W3_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,2,4] = rho_24 * W2_std[i] * W4_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,3,1] = COVMAT[i,1,3];
        COVMAT[i,3,2] = COVMAT[i,2,3];
        COVMAT[i,3,3] = 1          * W3_std[i] * W3_std[i] + 1e-10;
        COVMAT[i,3,4] = rho_34 * W3_std[i] * W4_std[i];
        COVMAT[i,4,1] = COVMAT[i,1,4];
        COVMAT[i,4,2] = COVMAT[i,2,4];
        COVMAT[i,4,3] = COVMAT[i,3,4];
        COVMAT[i,4,4] = 1          * W4_std[i] * W4_std[i] + 1e-10;

         L_COVMAT[i,:,:] = cholesky_decompose( COVMAT[i,:,:] );

    }   // end loop over data

model {
    //  priors

    target += normal_lpdf( W1_std_c | prior_W_std, 1 );
    target += normal_lpdf( W2_std_c | prior_W_std, 1 );
    target += normal_lpdf( W1_std_d | prior_W_std, 1 );
    target += normal_lpdf( W2_std_d | prior_W_std, 1 );

    //  priors Wi_std
    for (i in 1: data_n) {
        target += normal_lpdf( W1_std[i] | prior_W_std, 1 );
        target += normal_lpdf( W2_std[i] | prior_W_std, 1 );
        target += normal_lpdf( W3_std[i] | prior_W_std, 1 );
        target += normal_lpdf( W4_std[i] | prior_W_std, 1 );

    //  priors Wi_mean
    target += normal_lpdf( W1_mean | prior_W_mean, fabs( prior_W_mean ) * prior_W_cov );
    target += normal_lpdf( W2_mean | prior_W_mean, fabs( prior_W_mean ) * prior_W_cov );
    target += normal_lpdf( W3_mean | prior_W_mean, fabs( prior_W_mean ) * prior_W_cov );
    target += normal_lpdf( W4_mean | prior_W_mean, fabs( prior_W_mean ) * prior_W_cov );

    //  priors Z
    target += normal_lpdf( Z_mean | prior_Z_mean, prior_W_cov * prior_Z_mean );
    target += normal_lpdf( Z_alpha | prior_Z_std * tgamma(1/Z_beta) / tgamma(3/Z_beta),  prior_W_cov*sqrt( axes_n ) * prior_Z_std * tgamma(1/Z_beta) / tgamma(3/Z_beta) );

    //  Likelihood
    target += gen_normal_lpdf( Z | Z_mean, Z_alpha, Z_beta );

    for (i in 1: data_n) {
        W[i,:] ~ multi_normal_cholesky_lpdf(W_mean, L_COVMAT[i,:,:] );

Sorry it’s taken so long for someone to get back to you. These hard models are hard to respond to.

With a recent enough version of Stan, you can rewrite your `gen_normal_lpdf to be faster as

return sum(log(beta_) - log(2 * alpha) - lgamma(inv(beta)) - pow(fabs(x - mu_) / alpha_, beta_));

It avoids things like recalculating log(beta_) in each loop instance and uses more efficient linear algebra operations.

If this is a standard deviation, it needs to be declared with lower=0 as well. We generally don’t recommend hard interval constraints as they usually don’t do what people think they’re going to do. The boundaries will bias the posterior means compared to unconstrained variables by pushing away probability mass.

Rather than explicitly parameterizing a covariance matrix, we strongly suggest using a Cholesky factor of a correlation matrix plus a scale vector, which can be given independent priors. The problem with explicit parameterization here is that there’s nothing to keep things positive definite other than rejection.

This is just me, but I’d also suggest not naming parameters things like mean as those are properties of random variables, not conventional names (e.g., in normal(mu, sigma), the parameter mu is called a “location”).


Dear Bob, thank you these many hints. I ended up using a different model. But still these are very helpful comments.