Hi ,
I am new to fitting multivariate analyses in stan and have managed to set up a running bivariate model with a multi_normal_cholesky likelihood function so that I can estimate the residual correlation between z_1 and z_2.
However, the model provides a very slow fit with some simulated data. I have tried to fit the model with additional fixed and random effects for my full model but I cancelled the fit after it was on 3000/5000 iterations after letting it run for over a week. The model is not vectorised because one of the variables (opponent) is arbitrarily assigned and needs to be passed to the same cell in matrix I.
I can’t really isolate any mistakes that make the model fit take so long anda ny help with improving the model fit is greatly appreciated! I pasted a simplified version of the stan model below and attached the simulated dataset that I use to verify the model.
Stan_data_CdG.csv (373.7 KB)
The stan model:
data {
int<lower=0> n_obs; // number of observations
int<lower=0> n_ind; // number of individuals
int<lower=0> individual[n_obs]; // Individual ID repeated obs
int<lower=0> opponent1[n_obs]; // Individual ID opponent1 repeated obs
int<lower=0> opponent2[n_obs]; // Individual ID opponent2 repeated obs
real z_1[n_obs]; // phenotypic observations
real z_2[n_obs]; // phenotypic observations
parameters {
// Define parameters to estimate for equation 1
real B_0; //intercept
// Random effects
matrix[4,n_ind] zI; //(intercepts and opponent effect for each individual)
vector<lower=0>[4] sigma_I; // sd intercepts
cholesky_factor_corr[4] L; // factor to estimate covariance intercepts
// Define parameters to estimate for equation 2
real B_0_2; //intercept
// Residual correlation
vector<lower=0>[2] sd_R; //residual standard deviations;
cholesky_factor_corr[2] L_R; //Cholesky corr matrix for residuals
transformed parameters{
matrix[4,n_ind] I; // Unscaled blups intercept and res_impact for each individual
real e_z[n_obs]; // predicted values for phenotype
I = diag_pre_multiply(sigma_I, L) * zI; // get the unscaled value
// Equation 1: Primary producing events
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
e_z[i] = B_0 + I[1, individual[i]] + I[2, opponent1[i]] + I[2, opponent2[i]];
// Equation 2
real e_z_2[n_obs]; // predicted values for phenotype
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
e_z_2[i] = B_0_2 + I[3, individual[i]] + I[4, opponent1[i]] + I[4, opponent2[i]];
model {
// Equation 1
// Fixed effects prior distributions
B_0 ~ normal(0, 2);
B_0_2 ~ normal(0, 2);
// Random effects prior distribution
to_vector(zI) ~ normal(0, 1);
to_vector(sigma_I) ~ cauchy(0, 3);
// Residual correlation
matrix[2,2] L_sigma = diag_pre_multiply(sd_R, L_R);
// Likelihood function
for (i in 1:n_obs) {
[z_1[i], z_2[i]]' ~ multi_normal_cholesky ([e_z[i], e_z_2[i]]', L_sigma); //Cholesky factorized lower-tri residual cor matrix
sd_R ~ exponential(3);
L_R ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(3);
L ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(3);
generated quantities{
// residual correlations
matrix[2,2] res_cor_mat = L_R * L_R';
real<lower=-1,upper=1> res_cor;
res_cor = res_cor_mat[1,2];
real<lower=0> Sigma2_res;
Sigma2_res = sd_R[1]^2;
real<lower=0> Sigma2_res_2;
Sigma2_res_2 = sd_R[2]^2;
// Correlation matrix
matrix[4, 4] Omega_I;
Omega_I = L * L';
// Equation 1
real<lower=0> Sigma2_intercept;
real<lower=0> Sigma2_res_impact;
real<lower=0> Sigma2_total;
Sigma2_intercept = sigma_I[1]^2;
Sigma2_res_impact= sigma_I[2]^2;
Sigma2_total = Sigma2_intercept + Sigma2_res_impact + Sigma2_res;
real var_comp_focal;
real var_comp_opponent;
real var_comp_res;
var_comp_focal = Sigma2_intercept/Sigma2_total;
var_comp_opponent = Sigma2_res_impact/Sigma2_total;
var_comp_res = Sigma2_res/Sigma2_total;
// Equation 2
real<lower=0> Sigma2_intercept_2;
real<lower=0> Sigma2_res_impact_2;
real<lower=0> Sigma2_total_2;
Sigma2_intercept_2 = sigma_I[3]^2;
Sigma2_res_impact_2 = sigma_I[4]^2;
Sigma2_total_2 = Sigma2_intercept_2 + Sigma2_res_impact_2 + Sigma2_res_2;
// Estimate variance components of random effects
real var_comp_focal_2;
real var_comp_opponent_2;
real var_comp_res_2;
var_comp_focal_2 = Sigma2_intercept_2/Sigma2_total_2;
var_comp_opponent_2 = Sigma2_res_impact_2/Sigma2_total_2;
var_comp_res_2 = Sigma2_res_2/Sigma2_total_2;
// Covariances and correlations
real cov_1;
real cor_1;
real cov_2;
real cor_2;
real cov_3;
real cor_3;
real cov_4;
real cor_4;
real cov_5;
real cor_5;
real cov_6;
real cor_6;
cov_1 = Omega_I[1,2]*sqrt(Sigma2_res_impact*Sigma2_intercept);
cor_1 = Omega_I[1,2];
cov_2 = Omega_I[1,3]*sqrt(Sigma2_intercept*Sigma2_intercept_2);
cor_2 = Omega_I[1,3];
cov_3 = Omega_I[1,4]*sqrt(Sigma2_res_impact_2*Sigma2_intercept);
cor_3 = Omega_I[1,4];
cov_4 = Omega_I[2,3]*sqrt(Sigma2_res_impact*Sigma2_intercept_2);
cor_4 = Omega_I[2,3];
cov_5 = Omega_I[2,4]*sqrt(Sigma2_res_impact*Sigma2_res_impact_2);
cor_5 = Omega_I[2,4];
cov_6 = Omega_I[3,4]*sqrt(Sigma2_res_impact_2*Sigma2_intercept_2);
cor_6 = Omega_I[3,4];
Fitting the model and creating the datafile for the model and the parameters that should be provided in the model summary:
params_bivar_cholesky <- c("B_0",
"Sigma2_intercept", "Sigma2_res_impact", "Sigma2_res", "Sigma2_total",
"var_comp_focal", "var_comp_opponent", "var_comp_res",
"Sigma2_intercept_2", "Sigma2_res_impact_2", "Sigma2_res_2", "Sigma2_total_2",
"var_comp_focal_2", "var_comp_opponent_2", "var_comp_res_2",
"cov_1", "cor_1", "cov_2", "cor_2", "cov_3", "cor_3", "cov_4", "cor_4", "cov_5","cor_5", "cov_6", "cor_6", "res_cor")
stan_bivar_data <- list(n_obs = nrow(df),
n_ind = length(unique(df$n_ind)),
individual = df$individual,
opponent1 = df$opponent1,
opponent2 = df$opponent2,
z_1 = df$z_1,
z_2 =df$z_2)
md <- stan("RR_cholesky_multi_normal_test.stan", data = stan_bivar_data,
pars = params_bivar_cholesky,
chains = 3, iter = 5000,
warmup = 1000, thin = 2, cores = 6)
round(summary(md)$summary[,c(1,4,6, 8, 9,10)],3)