Hi there,
I’m very new to Stan and I have been trying a model with multivariate outcomes.
Quick details about the data: I have a set of subjects and groups and for each subject-group pair there is a measure which is 6-dimensional. Because of the way these measures are taken, I assume diagonal covariance matrix.
It takes more than 10 hours to run 500 iterations (250 warmup 250 sampling) with 2 chains on 2 cores.
Below is my code and any helpful look into that to speed up would be really great. Thanks!
data {
int<lower=1> K; //dimension size (6)
int<lower=1> J; // num subjects (183)
int<lower=1> S; // num groups (65)
int<lower=0> N; // num observations (1000)
vector[J] x[N]; // for subjects indicators
vector[S] u[N]; // for group indicators
vector[K] y[N]; // outcome measure (numeric)
parameters {
matrix[K, J] beta; //subject coefficients
matrix[K, S] eta; // group coefficients
vector<lower=0>[K] sigma; // std for dimesnions
model {
vector[K] mu[N];
matrix[K, K] Sigma;
Sigma = diag_matrix(square(sigma)); // assuming diagonal covariance matrix
for (n in 1:N)
mu[n] = beta * x[n] + eta * u[n];
y ~ multi_normal(mu , Sigma);