Slow running multilevel longitudinal model containing random effects at two levels

Hi all, I’m still pretty new to Stan and have been trying to code up a 3 level longitudinal model, that involves individuals measured over time who themselves are nested within studies. I want to allow multivariate normally distributed random effects to be assigned to the individuals (indrand or b2 in the model code) or to the studies (studrand or b3 in the model code).

The model below runs… but 200 iterations on my (oldish) laptop takes just over 9 hours, on a dataset of about N=30000 individuals nested in K=5 studies, with between 2 and 6 measurements made on each individual. I am trying to find ways to speed up the code below, but I’m unsure where to begin.

I’m running stan from R using rstan. I’m aware that there are package options that contain prewritten code that would fit this particular model. However, once I have this model running well, I’m intending to change various bits to make it more complicated, and so I need to be able to write this code myself rather than just use pre-written code in an available package, in order to produce code for the final model.

Any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated.

data {
  //dimensions of data
  int<lower=1> M;      //number of observations
  int<lower=1> N;      //number of individuals
  int<lower=1> K;      //number of studies
  int<lower=1> pl;     //number long fixed
  int<lower=1> ql;     //number long indrand
  int<lower=0> rl;     //number long studrand

  //id variables
  int<lower=1> idnum[M];   //long ind id variable
  int<lower=1> studnum[M]; //long stud id variable

  //longitudinal outcome information
  vector[M] y1;         //longitudinal outcome

  //longitudinal fixed information
  matrix[M,pl] X_l;            //design matrix long fixed
  real<lower=0> beta_l_sig;    //sd for fixed effects prior
  real<lower=0> sigma_e_sig;   //involved in prior for sigma_e - sig for longerror
  real<lower=0> sigma_e_nu;    //involved in prior for sigma_e - sig for longerror

  int<lower = 0, upper = 1> boo_b3_l; //boolean =1 if longstudrand included, 0 otherwise

  //longitudinal indrand information
  matrix[M,ql] Z2_l;          //design matrix long indrand
  vector[ql] b2_ones;         //vector of ones for use indrand
  real<lower=0> tau_Dl_sig;   //involved in prior for tau_Dl - sd for indrand
  real<lower=0> tau_Dl_nu;    //involved in prior for tau_Dl - sd for indrand
  real Omega_Dl_eta;          //involved in prior for Omega_Dl - corr mat for indrand

  //longitudinal studrand information
  matrix[M,rl] Z3_l;          //design matrix long studrand
  vector[rl] b3_ones;         //vector of ones for use studrand
  real<lower=0> tau_Al_sig[boo_b3_l ? 1 : 0];   //involved in prior for tau_Al - sd for studrand
  real<lower=0> tau_Al_nu[boo_b3_l ? 1 : 0];    //involved in prior for tau_Al - sd for studrand
  real Omega_Al_eta[boo_b3_l ? 1 : 0];          //involved in prior for Omega_Al - corr mat for indrand
transformed data{
  vector[ql] mu_b2;     //mean vector for longindrand
  vector[rl] mu_b3;     //mean vector for longstudrand

  mu_b2 = rep_vector(0,ql);  //used for mean vector for long indrand

   mu_b3 = rep_vector(0,rl);  //used for mean vector for long studrand
  vector[pl] beta_l;      //fixed effects for longitudinal component
  real<lower=0> sigma_e;  //longitudinal error term (sd)

  matrix[N,ql] b2;                      //longitudinal indrand effects
  cholesky_factor_corr[ql] Omega_Dl;    //Correlation Matrix long indrand
  vector<lower=0>[ql] tau_Dl;           //variance terms long indrand

  matrix[K,rl] b3;                     //longitudinal studrand effects
  cholesky_factor_corr[rl] Omega_Al;   //Correlation Matrix long indrand
  vector<lower=0>[rl] tau_Al;          //variance terms long indrand
transformed parameters{
  vector[M] linpred_y1;  //longitudinal linear predictor
  matrix[ql,ql] Dl;     //covariance matrix for long indrand
  matrix[rl,rl] Al;     //covariance matrix for long studrand

  linpred_y1 = X_l*beta_l + (Z2_l .* to_matrix(b2[idnum,]))*b2_ones;
  Dl = diag_pre_multiply(tau_Dl, Omega_Dl);
    linpred_y1=linpred_y1 + (Z3_l .* to_matrix(b3[studnum,]))*b3_ones;
    Al = diag_pre_multiply(tau_Al, Omega_Al);
  tau_Dl ~ student_t(tau_Dl_nu,0,tau_Dl_sig);     //prior for sig for long indrand
  Omega_Dl~ lkj_corr_cholesky(Omega_Dl_eta);               //prior for corr matrix for long indrand
    tau_Al ~ student_t(tau_Al_nu[1],0,tau_Al_sig[1]);   //prior for sig for long studrand
    Omega_Al~ lkj_corr_cholesky(Omega_Al_eta[1]);       //prior for corr matrix for long studrand
  beta_l  ~ normal(0,beta_l_sig);                    //prior for fixed effects
  sigma_e ~ student_t(sigma_e_nu,0,sigma_e_sig);     //prior for longitudinal error term

  y1 ~ normal(linpred_y1,sigma_e);     //update longitudinal outcome
  for(i in 1:N){
    b2[i] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu_b2, Dl); //update long indrand
    for(i in 1:K){
      b3[i] ~ multi_normal_cholesky(mu_b3, Al); //update long studrand

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p(\theta | y) \propto p(\theta) p(y | \theta).

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I’d have a little recommendation - why don’t you formulate your model within brms.
Afterwards you can use stancode() from the package to get the script for rstan in order to further
modify it. I propose it because brms uses multiple ways to have the code run more efficiently, I think.