There are lots of R packages available for Stan users but I think we’re lacking a good overview of what’s available. Would anyone be interested in helping to write a short overview of the Stan ecosystem in R for new users?
The focus (at least initially) would be on the packages that the Stan team has control over, but it would also be good to include other great packages being developed by Stan users (e.g., tidybayes, rethinking, etc.).
I could do this myself, but I think it would be ideal to have someone else either help me with this or take the lead. One reason is that this would benefit from the perspective of a user who has had the experience of navigating the Stan ecosystem in R. Another reason is that this could be an opportunity for someone to get involved and contribute to Stan.
This seems like a good idea. Incidentally you would be unlikely to discover STAN from the Bayesian task view on CRAN unless you start from the bottom!
Inspired by this, I put together a little script calculating total correlation (multivariate PMI) for CRAN’s dependency graph. I looked at “from”, “to”, type of relation, and reverse or not. Originating from rstan the highest pmi/total correlations are:
One additional update. I used the varimax PCA proposed by @alexpghayes and co-authors on a (positive) PMI matrix of CRAN packages (here, only looking at “from” and “to”), and calculated cosine similarities for a few common packages from the resulting embeddings. On each line, left-most name is the query package, numeric values are the cosine similarities. Note, I used a penalty for the PMI value, but you can adjust that in the code.
I wonder if it’s worth messaging the owner of the Bayesian task view (Jong Hee Park) to add a “Packages that connect to Stan” section. It feels like there is a lot and could probably be worth it
You might find some additional interesting related packages if you look at the Y embeddings in addition to the Z embeddings. Note though that l2 distances are rotation invariant so the varimax isn’t doing anything in your example beyond a standard SVD.