Help improving a fisheries state space model with biased estimation

Hi everyone,

I’m a huge fan of Stan and have used it to fit relatively simple statistical models, but I’m still relatively new to the world of state-space modeling. I’ve been trying to build a three-stage fisheries state-space model, and ran into some issues with biased estimation. The process model statements assume a log-normal distribution and look like this:
\ln(A_t) \sim N\big(\ln(S_{t-1}e^{-(F_{2t-1} + M_S)} + J_{t-1}e^{-(F_{2t-1} + M_J)}), \sigma^2_A \big)
\ln(J_t) \sim N\big(\ln(\alpha S_{t-1}e^{-\beta S_{t-1}}),\sigma^2_J \big)
\ln(S_t) \sim N\big( \ln(A_te^{-(F_{1t-1} + M_A)}, \sigma^2_S \big)

where A_t, S_t, and J_t are latent states for adults, spawners, and juveniles, respectively. Meanwhile, M_A, M_S, and M_J are natural mortality rates for the respective states and F_{1t} and F_{2t} refer to fishing mortality terms for the first (F_{1t}) and second (F_{2t}) halves of the year. Finally, \alpha and \beta are stock-recruit parameters. These terms are related to both observations of state abundances (A_{obs_t}, S_{obs_t}, and J_{obs_t}) and two catch equations so that the parameters are estimable.

Catch equations:
C_{1t} = \frac{F_{1t}}{F_{1t} + M_A}\big(1-e^{-(F_{1t} + M_A)} \big)A_{t}
C_{2t} = \frac{F_{2t}}{F_{2t} + M_S}\big(1-e^{-(F_{2t} + M_S)} \big)S_{t} + \frac{F_{2t}}{F_{2t} + M_J}\big(1-e^{-(F_{2t} + M_J)} \big)J_{t}

A_{obs_t} \sim N(A_t/Area, \sigma^2_{A_{obs_t}})
S_{obs_t} \sim N(S_t/Area, \sigma^2_{S_{obs_t}})
J_{obs_t} \sim N(J_t/Area, \sigma^2_{J_{obs_t}})

Area is just a scalar which is supplied externally to the model. In addition, both catches and observation errors are supplied externally to the model.

Here is the r code that generates simulated data I used to evaluate the model:

## Packages
Process_model <- function(A_0 = 1.7e8,          ## Adult starting state
                          J_0 = 2e8,            ## Juvenile starting state
                          a = 10,               ## Ricker productivity parameter
                          MA = 0.45,            ## Adult natural mortality
                          MS = 0.45,            ## Spawner natural mortality
                          MJ = 0.9,             ## Juvenile natural mortality
                          beta = 1e-8,          ## Ricker density dependence
                          C = sort(abs(rnorm(33, 50e6, 10e6)), decreasing = T), ## Catch at time t
                          Ntime = 33,           ## Number of timesteps
                          Area = 1.16e10,       ## Area of waterbody to scale up observations
                          OA_SE = 0.001,       ## Adult observation error
                          OS_SE = 0.001,       ## Spawner observation error,
                          OJ_SE = 0.001,       ## Juvenile observation error
                          sigma_e_A = 0.1,      ## Adult process error
                          sigma_e_J = 0.1,      ## Juvenile process error
                          sigma_e_S = 0.1,      ## Spawner process error
                          CF = 0.1              ## Catch fraction for first and second half of the year
  ## Vector for fishing mortality
  F1 <- rep(NA, Ntime) 
  F2 <- rep(NA, Ntime) 
  ## Divide catch into first and second half of year
  C1 <- C*(CF)
  C2 <- C*(1-CF)
  ## Simulate process errors
  epsilon_A <- rnorm(Ntime, 0, sigma_e_A)
  epsilon_J <- rnorm(Ntime, 0, sigma_e_J)
  epsilon_S <- rnorm(Ntime, 0, sigma_e_S)
  ## State matrix
  N <- matrix(0, nrow = Ntime, ncol = 3)
  ## Baranov's catch equation for Adults (C1)
  Baranov_1 <- function(F., ## Fishing mortality
                        C,     ## Catch
                        M,     ## Natural mortality
                        A      ## Adult abundance
    (F./(F.+M))*(1-exp(-(F.+M)))*(A) - C
  ## Baranov's catch equation for spawners and juveniles (C2)
  Baranov_2 <- function(F.,     ## Fishing mortality
                        C,      ## Catch
                        MS,     ## Spawner natural mortality
                        MJ,     ## Juvenile natural mortality
                        S,      ## Spawner abundance
                        J       ## Juvenile abundance
    (F./(F.+MS))*(1-exp(-(F.+MS)))*(S) + (F./(F.+MJ))*(1-exp(-(F.+MJ)))*(J)- C
  ## Starting values
  ### For each catch, first try to numerically approximate F, if C1/A or C2/(S+J) >1, increase F to 10000 to crash population
  F1_test <- try(uniroot(Baranov_1, lower = 0, upper = 2, M= MA, A = A_0, C = C1[1])$root, silent = T)
  F1[1] <- ifelse(class(F1_test) == "try-error", 10000, F1_test)
  S_0 <- A_0*exp(-(F1[1]+MA))
  F2_test <- try(uniroot(Baranov_2, lower = 0, upper = 2, MS= MS, MJ = MJ, S = S_0, J = J_0, C = C2[1])$root, silent = T)
  F2[1] <- ifelse(class(F2_test) == "try-error", 10000, F2_test)
  N[1,] <- c(J_0, A_0, S_0)
  ## Population dynamics loop
  for (i in 2:Ntime){
    N[i,1] <- a*N[i-1,3]*exp(-beta*N[i-1,3])*exp(epsilon_J[i-1])
    N[i,2] <- (N[i-1,3]*exp(-(MS + F2[i-1]))+ N[i-1,1]*exp(-(MJ + F2[i-1])))*exp(epsilon_A[i-1])
    F1_test <- try(uniroot(Baranov_1, lower = 0, upper = 2, M= MA, A = N[i,2], C = C1[i])$root, silent = T)
    F1[i] <- ifelse(class(F1_test) == "try-error", 10000, F1_test)
    N[i,3] <- N[i,2]*exp(-(F1[i]+MA))*exp(epsilon_S[i])
    F2_test <- try(uniroot(Baranov_2, lower = 0, upper = 2, MS= MS, MJ = MJ, S = N[i,3], J = N[i,1], C = C2[i])$root, silent = T)
  F2[i] <- ifelse(class(F2_test) == "try-error", 10000, F2_test)
  ## Sample latent states for each stage of population with error
  OA <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,2]/Area, OA_SE)
  OS <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,3]/Area, OS_SE)
  OJ <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,1]/Area, OJ_SE)
  Endyear <- 1990 + Ntime-1
  Simulated_Data <- data.frame(
    Year = c(1990:Endyear),
    J_state = N[,1],
    A_state = N[,2],
    S_state = N[,3],
    OA = OA,
    OS = OS,
    OJ = OJ,
    OA_SE = OA_SE,
    OS_SE = OS_SE,
    OJ_SE = OJ_SE,
    C1 = C1,
    C2 = C2,
    F1 = F1,
    F2 = F2,
    epsilon_A = epsilon_A,
    epsilon_J = epsilon_J,
    epsilon_S = epsilon_S
Simulated_data <- Process_model()

dataList <- list('A' = Simulated_data$OA,
                 'J' = Simulated_data$OJ,
                 'S' = Simulated_data$OJ,
                 'J_obs' = Simulated_data$DJ_SE,
                 'S_obs' = Simulated_data$OJ_SE,
                 'A_obs' = Simulated_data$DA_SE,
                 'T' = nrow(Simulated_data),
                 'C1' = Simulated_data$C1,
                 'C2' = Simulated_data$C2,
                 'Area' = 1.16e10

Finally, here is the model I wrote in Stan. After doing some reading from the forums here, I had the model estimate the F1 and F2 values and tried to tie it to observed catch by adding a small amount of observation error for each catch likelihood. I’ve tried multiple re-parameterizations such as non-centering (example below) and centering (in the model block). I’ve also tried estimating all states as transformed parameters multiplied by individual residuals for each state/time step. Essentially, unless I highly constrain the parameters, the model converges on estimates which are very, very different from the true values. When I do constrain the parameters, it results in divergences and warnings about the max treedepth. It could well be that I am asking too much of the data, but these are relatively common models in fisheries population dynamics and commonly implemented in AD Model Builder. I was wondering if anyone could point out where I am going wrong with respect to the code, or just list a set of suggestions for how to re-parameterize things to facilitate unbiased estimation.

data {
  int<lower=0> T;    // Timesteps
  vector[T] A;       // Adults observations
  vector[T] J;       // Juvenile observations
  vector[T] S;       // Spawner observations
  vector[T] J_obs;   // Juvenile observation error
  vector[T] A_obs;   // Adult observation error
  vector[T] S_obs;   // Spawner observation error
  vector[T] C1;      // Observed catch (first half of year)
  vector[T] C2;      // Observed catch (second half of year)
  real Area;         // Area of water body to scale observations at m^2 resolution

parameters {
  real L_MA;                      // Log adult natural mortality
  real L_MS;                      // Log spawner natural mortality
  real L_MJ;                      // Log juvenile natural mortality
  vector[T] L_F1;                 // Log adult fishing mortality vector 
  vector[T] L_F2;                 // Log juvenile/spawner fishing mortality vector 
  real L_alpha;                   // Log Ricker productivity parameter
  real L_beta;                    // Log Ricker density dependence
  real<lower = 0> sigma_epsilon_A;// Process error for adults
  real<lower = 0> sigma_epsilon_J;// Process error for juveniles
  real<lower = 0> sigma_epsilon_S;// Process error for spawners
  // Use non-centered values to facilitate convergence
  vector[T] J_raw;
  vector[T] A_raw;
  vector[T] S_raw;

transformed parameters {
  vector[T] L_J_est;             // Log Juvenile states
  vector[T] L_S_est;             // Log Spawner states
  vector[T] L_A_est;             // Log Adult states
  // Below are exponentiated parameters back transformed from log-space
  vector[T] J_est;   
  vector[T] A_est;      
  vector[T] S_est;      
  vector[T] F1;   
  vector[T] F2;   
  real MA;    
  real MS;    
  real MJ;    
  real<lower = 0> alpha;
  real beta;
  F1 = exp(L_F1);
  F2 = exp(L_F2);
  MA = exp(L_MA);
  MJ = exp(L_MJ);
  MS = exp(L_MS);
  beta = exp(L_beta);
  alpha = exp(L_alpha);
  //Evaluate adult states with observed values and catchability estimates
  // Supply starting states and estimate in log-space
  L_J_est[1] =  19.11383 + sigma_epsilon_J*J_raw[1];
  L_A_est[1] = 18.95131 + sigma_epsilon_A*A_raw[1];
  L_S_est[1] = L_A_est[1]-F1[1]-MA + sigma_epsilon_S*S_raw[1];
  A_est[1] = exp(L_A_est[1]);
  J_est[1] = exp(L_J_est[1]);
  S_est[1] = exp(L_S_est[1]);
// Run model to estimate states and catch
for (t in 2:T){
    L_J_est[t] = L_alpha + L_S_est[t-1] -beta*S_est[t-1] + sigma_epsilon_J*J_raw[t];
    L_A_est[t] = log(S_est[t-1]*exp(-F2[t]-MS) + J_est[t-1]*exp(-F2[t]-MJ)) +  sigma_epsilon_A*A_raw[t];
    L_S_est[t] = L_A_est[t]-F1[t]-MA + sigma_epsilon_S*S_raw[t];
    A_est[t] = exp(L_A_est[t]);
    J_est[t] = exp(L_J_est[t]);
    S_est[t] = exp(L_S_est[t]);

model {
for (t in 1:T){
  A[t] ~ normal(A_est[t]/Area, A_obs[t]);
  S[t] ~ normal(A_est[t]/Area, S_obs[t]);
  J[t] ~ normal(J_est[t]/Area, J_obs[t]);
  C1[t] ~ normal((F1[t]/(F1[t]+MA))*(1-exp(-(F1[t]+MA)))*(A_est[t]), 1e5);
  C2[t] ~ normal((F2[t]/(F2[t]+MS))*(1-exp(-(F2[t]+MS)))*(S_est[t]) + (F2[t]/(F2[t]+MJ))*(1-exp(-(F2[t]+MJ)))*(J_est[t]), 1e6);

// priors (in log space)
A_raw ~std_normal(); //non-centered values for each state
J_raw ~std_normal();
S_raw ~std_normal();
L_alpha ~ normal(1.538439,1);
L_beta ~ normal(-18.392383, 1);
L_F1 ~ normal(-0.1, 0.3);
L_F2 ~ normal(-0.1, 0.3);
L_MA ~ normal(-0.8, 0.1);
L_MS ~ normal(-0.8, 0.1);
L_MJ ~ normal(-0.1, 0.1);
sigma_epsilon_A ~ exponential(10);
sigma_epsilon_J ~ exponential(10);
sigma_epsilon_S ~ exponential(10);

generated quantities{
  //for plotting states and indices
  vector[T] J_index;
  vector[T] S_index;
  vector[T] A_index;
  vector[T] C1_est;
  vector[T] C2_est;
  for (t in 1:T){
    J_index[t] = J_est[t]/Area;
    S_index[t] = S_est[t]/Area;
    A_index[t] = A_est[t]/Area;
    C1_est[t] = (F1[t]/(F1[t]+MA))*(1-exp(-(F1[t]+MA)))*(A_est[t]);
    C2_est[t] = (F2[t]/(F2[t]+MS))*(1-exp(-(F2[t]+MS)))*(S_est[t]) + (F2[t]/(F2[t]+MJ))*(1-exp(-(F2[t]+MJ)))*(J_est[t]);

Thanks in advance for your time and help. I’ve seen very little on Fisheries SSM’s on Stan, and hope that Stan becomes increasingly used in this domain.

EDIT: I have re-parameterized the model so that M_S, M_A and M_J are now M/2, M/2 and M to simplify and improve identifiability to the model. I’m still getting bad values.

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Your friend for these models will be a Kalman filter. Either implemented yourself or trying the gaussian_dlm_obs function in Stan (25.8 Gaussian dynamic linear models | Stan Functions Reference).

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Hi spinkey, can you use a Kalman filter for nonlinear dynamic models? I really wanted to try that option but didn’t know if it could work with the e^{-(F_{1t} + M/2)} terms. If you could provide a simple example just to get me going, I’d be really appreciative.



I don’t have the time to really dive in to this model. But you can try an extended Kalman filter (see Extended Kalman filter, problem estimating process and observation error size) where you work out the Jacobians (I believe you can work those out analytically from the model given). Unfortunately, there’s no built-in function to take those derivatives so you have to write them yourself. There’s an example in the linked post.

I just needed a starting point. The link provides that. Thank you so much for all the help.


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I think @spinkney advice to use a Kalman filter and to pay attention to Jacobian’s are both really good points. I suspect some of what’s going on here might due to the change of variables.

A couple of questions:

  1. In your first set equations ln(A_t) and ln(S_t) are functions of F_{1,t-1} and F_{2,t-1}. In your simulation code it looks like F_{2,t-1} is used for ln(A_t), while F_{1,t} is used for ln(S_t). In your Stan code you have F_{1,t} and F_{2,t} respectively. Which is correct? Could it be that your problems fitting are due to a mismatch between simulation code and Stan code?
  1. What are your constraints? Specifically are the mortality terms constrained to be between 0 and 1 given that they are rates?
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Hi folks,

So in-between posts I re-parameterized the model again, here both without different M’s, without F’s, and without any process error. I also removed the change of variables issue pointed out by @Dalton (thanks). Here is the notation for the new model (much simpler):

Process model
J_t = \alpha S_{t-1} e^{-\beta S_{t-1}}
A_t = S_{t-1}e^{-M/2} + J_{t-1}e^{-M} - C_{2t}
S_t = A_te^{-M/2} - C_{1t}

Observation model
J_{obs_t} \sim N(J_t/Area, \sigma^2_{J_{obs_t}})
A_{obs_t} \sim N(A_t/Area, \sigma^2_{A_{obs_t}})
S_{obs_t} \sim N(S_t/Area, \sigma^2_{S_{obs_t}})

Here is the new code to generate the simulated data:

### Set ggplot theme for plotting
theme_set(theme_bw(base_family = 'serif')) 

A_0 = 1.7e8          ## Adult starting state
J_0 = 2e8            ## Juvenile starting state
a = 10               ## Ricker productivity parameter
M = 0.9              ## Adult natural mortality
beta = 1e-8          ## Ricker density dependence
Ntime = 33           ## Number of timesteps
Area = 1.16e10       ## Area of waterbody to scale up observations
OA_SE = 0.00001      ## Adult observation error
OS_SE = 0.00001      ## Spawner observation error,
OJ_SE = 0.00001      ## Juvenile observation error

## Catch vectors
C <- sort(abs(rnorm(33, 50e6, 10e6)), decreasing = T)
C1 <- C*0.2
C2 <- C*0.8

## State matrix
N <- matrix(0, nrow = Ntime, ncol = 3)

## Starting values
S_0 <- A_0*exp(-M/2) - C1[1]
N[1,] <- c(J_0, A_0, S_0)  
## Population dynamics loop
for (i in 2:Ntime){
  N[i,1] <- a*N[i-1,3]*exp(-beta*N[i-1,3])
  N[i,2] <- (N[i-1,3]*exp(-M/2)+ N[i-1,1]*exp(-M)) - C2[i-1]
  N[i,3] <- N[i,2]*exp(-M/2) - C1[i]
## Sample latent states for each stage of population with error
OA <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,2]/Area, OA_SE)
OS <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,3]/Area, OS_SE)
OJ <- rnorm(Ntime, N[,1]/Area, OJ_SE)  
Simulated_Data <- data.frame(
  Year = c(1990:2022),
  J_state = N[,1],
  A_state = N[,2],
  S_state = N[,3],
  OA = OA,
  OS = OS,
  OJ = OJ,
  OA_SE = OA_SE,
  OS_SE = OS_SE,
  OJ_SE = OJ_SE,
  C1 = C1,
  C2 = C2
DataList <- list('A' = Simulated_Data$OA,
                 'J' = Simulated_Data$OJ,
                 'S' = Simulated_Data$OJ,
                 'J_obs' = Simulated_Data$OJ_SE,
                 'S_obs' = Simulated_Data$OJ_SE,
                 'A_obs' = Simulated_Data$OA_SE,
                 'T' = nrow(Simulated_Data),
                 'C1' = Simulated_Data$C1,
                 'C2' = Simulated_Data$C2,
                 'Area' = 1.16e10

## Initial values (although I know if you have to set them your model is poorly specified
initslst <- lapply(1:nchains,function(i) {
    M = 0.9,
    alpha = 10,
    beta = 1e-8

## Stan model
SSM_model_pop_dy <- stan('Hyman_SSM_Simulation_obs error catch only no logs.stan', 
                         data = DataList,
                         init = initslst, 
                         chains = 1, 
                         iter = 10000) 

Here is the new Stan code:

data {
  int<lower=0> T;    // Timesteps
  vector[T] A;       // Adults observations
  vector[T] J;       // Spawner observations
  vector[T] S;       // Juvenile observations
  vector[T] J_obs;   // Juvenile obs error
  vector[T] A_obs;   // Adult obs error
  vector[T] S_obs;   // Spawner obs error
  vector[T] C1;      // Observed catch (first half of year)
  vector[T] C2;      // Observed catch (second half of year)
  real Area;         // Area of water body to scale observations at m^2 resolution

parameters {
  real<lower = 0> M;      // Natural mortality
  real<lower = 0> alpha;  // Ricker productivity parameter
  real< lower = 0> beta;  // Ricker density dependence

transformed parameters {
  vector[T] J_est;   
  vector[T] A_est;      
  vector[T] S_est;      
  // Initialize with starting states
  A_est[1] = exp(18.95131);
  S_est[1] = fmax(A_est[1]*exp(-M*0.5)-C1[1], 0.001);
  J_est[1] = exp(19.11383);
  // Run model to estimate states and catch
  for (t in 2:T){
    J_est[t] = alpha*S_est[t-1]*exp(-beta*S_est[t-1]);
    A_est[t] = fmax(S_est[t-1]*exp(-M*0.5) + J_est[t-1]*exp(-M) - C2[t-1], 0.001);
    S_est[t] = fmax(A_est[t]*exp(-M*0.5) - C1[t], 0.001);

model {
 //Observation likelihood
  for (t in 1:T){
   A[t] ~ normal(A_est[t]/Area, A_obs[t]);
   S[t] ~ normal(S_est[t]/Area, S_obs[t]);
   J[t] ~ normal(J_est[t]/Area, J_obs[t]);

// priors 
alpha ~ normal(10,1);
beta ~ normal(1e-8, 1e-9);
M ~ normal(0.9, 0.05);

generated quantities{
  //for plotting states and indices
  vector[T] J_index;
  vector[T] S_index;
  vector[T] A_index;
  for (t in 1:T){
    J_index[t] = J_est[t]/Area;
    S_index[t] = S_est[t]/Area;
    A_index[t] = A_est[t]/Area;

Even here, with a model this simple, I cannot get the model to fit the correct values. However, I can easily recover the parameters using optim() in R.

MLE <- function(par, A, S, J, S_obs, A_obs, J_obs, C1, C2){
  a <- exp(par[1])
  b <- exp(par[2])
  M <- exp(par[3])
  A_est <- rep(NA, 33)
  J_est <- rep(NA, 33)
  S_est <- rep(NA, 33)
  A_est[1] = exp(18.95131);
  S_est[1] = A_est[1]*exp(-M/2)-C1[1]
  J_est[1] = exp(19.11383)
  ## Run model to estimate states and catch
  for (t in 2:33){
    J_est[t] = a*S_est[t-1]*exp(-beta*S_est[t-1])
    A_est[t] = S_est[t-1]*exp(-M/2) + J_est[t-1]*exp(-M) - C2[t-1]
    S_est[t] = A_est[t]*exp(-M/2) - C1[t]
  NLL <- -sum(dnorm(A, A_est/1.16e10, A_obs, log = T))- ## Likelihood
    sum(dnorm(S, S_est/1.16e10, S_obs, log = T)) -
    sum(dnorm(J, J_est/1.16e10, J_obs, log = T)) - 
    dnorm(M, 0.9, 0.05, log = T) -  ## Priors on M, a, and b
    dnorm(a, 10, 1, log = T) -
    dnorm(b, 1e-8, 1e-9, log = T)

par <- c(log(10), log(1e-8), log(0.9))
Test <- optim(par = par, 
              fn = MLE,
              A = Simulated_Data$OA,
              J = Simulated_Data$OJ,
              S = Simulated_Data$OS,
              S_obs = Simulated_Data$OS_SE,
              A_obs = Simulated_Data$OA_SE,
              J_obs = Simulated_Data$OJ_SE,
              C1 = Simulated_Data$C1,
              C2 = Simulated_Data$C2, hessian = T)

I’m wodering if this a software issue. The states are whole numbers, and I know Stan doesn’t love discrete values, so I’m wondering if that may be the problem. Would someone kindly try to replicate the code and Stan model and let me know if they are able to get it running?

@Dalton, currently M is an annual instantaneous mortality rate. e^{-M} is the annual (or partial, in the case of A_t and S_t) survival rate, so M can theoretically be any number greater than 0. \alpha and \beta also must be positive.

Thanks again for all the assisstance.

So, I don’t know what’s wrong with your stan model but a) stan can probably fit this ok as far as I see, but b) the problem seems very sensitive to initial conditions. after rescaling the processes to match the observations (dividing by area), ctsem fit this ok with an extended kalman filter, using both optimization and stan’s HMC, and also fit ok when disabling the kalman filter and sampling the process states.

Simulated_Data$id=1 #needs an id column, designed for multiple subjects

m <- ctModel(time='YEAR',
  type='standt', #discrete time model
  manifestNames = c('OJ','OS','OA'),
  latentNames = c('J','S','A'),
  DRIFT=0, #set linear temporal dependencies to zero
  CINT=c( #specify non linear change terms
    'A * exp(-M/2)',
    'S * exp(-M/2) + J*exp(-M)'),
  LAMBDA=diag(0,3), #set linear observation model to zero,
  MANIFESTMEANS=c( 'J',  'S',  'A'),
  T0VAR=diag(.0001,3), #fix initial system noise to small value,
  DIFFUSION=0, #set ongoing system noise to 0
  T0MEANS=c( #estimate initial state values, specify prior based on standard normal
  TDpredNames =c('C1s','C2s'), #time dependent predictors
  TDPREDEFFECT = c( #fix linear effect of time dependent (catch) predictors 
  MANIFESTVAR=c( #specify observation noise matrix (sd's on diag)
  PARS=c('alpha|param+10','beta|param+100','M|param+1') #specify any parameters included in equations


f <- ctStanFit(datalong = Simulated_Data,ctstanmodel = m,
  cores=8,chains=8,optimize=F,iter=1000,nopriors = F,
  intoverstates = T, #using extended kalman filter by default, turn off to sample latent states

ctKalman(f,plot=T,removeObs = 10)+coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0,.05)) #forward predictions keeping only every 10th obs



Thanks @Charles_Driver, this looks fantastic. I’ve tried to implement this, but every time I run the code you provided, my R session crashes. Is there another method you would recommend?

Post some details in an issue or discussion on the ctsem github if you want to troubleshoot. Or work harder on your model ;)

Hi Challen,

I played around with your code including these modifications. I think in each case there’s just a bit too much going on for me to able to diagnose. In this latest example, I think one issue if the fmax() function. The Stan manual points out that this is going to really going to affect sampling if applied to parameters. I eliminated that, and tried reparametrizing by moving the division by area up into the transformed parameters block, but I was still having trouble getting Stan to recover parameters. One issue might be the catch term (now used as data).

See this thread here:

I’m afraid I don’t have much more than that for you. Good luck!

Thanks a lot @Dalton Dalton, my advisor, a statistician, and I spent all day trying to work it out as well. We think that the biggest issue is that the likelihood surface appears distorted near the optimal values, which is why optim() in R can find the solution, but MCMC (I coded up a metropolis-hastings algorithm) in general does not seem able to find the true solution. I’m working on alternatives like a different SR function, and trying to see if that works.

@Charles_Driver I took a closer look at the model notation you sent (thanks again) and there is an error in the state transition from A to S, which occurs in a single time step (t to t), not the previous one (t-1 to t). I’m also going to try an extended Kalman filter.

Thanks again everyone for taking a look at this, I’ll keep digging and will post for others if I find a solution.


For anyone like me who was searching the forums for help, the answer was to re-do the model from the ground up.

I ended up being able to recover the states with this model structure:
\ln(J_t) \sim N\big(\ln(\alpha A_{t-1}e^{-\beta A_{t-1}}),\sigma^2_J \big)
\ln(A_t) \sim N\big( (A_{t-1} + J_{t-1})e^{-(F_{t-1} + M)}), \sigma^2_A\big)
A_{O_t} \sim N(A_t, \sigma^2_{O_{A_t}})
J_{O_t} \sim N(J_t, \sigma^2_{O_{J_t}})
C_{t} \sim N\bigg(\frac{F_{t}}{F_{t} + M}\big(1-e^{-(F_{t} + M)} \big)(A_{t}+J_{t}), 10^7 \bigg)

I’m not sure why the third state caused so much trouble, but hopefully this exchange will be helpful for someone in the future. Thanks again to everyone who helped.