I am leading a SGB proposal to the Chan-Zuckerburg Initiative (CZI) to support infrastructure costs and other expenses in the operation of the SGB. Currently they pay 3 people for various roles.
There is a section to discuss our diversity and inclusion efforts. So far I have @avehtari 's class that focuses on southern countries. @storopoli teaches Stan in Brazil and is part of his own universities D&I efforts.
Are there any other areas that I can use?
Deadline is May 10, 2021.
I dunno how useful this will be for you, but I’d hope that CZI would look kindly on the degree to which Stan has invested in making itself accessible to new users. Like, is it normal for similar organizations to pay a community manager to help make their user forum great? Because that’s definitely D&I.
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The correct term is Global south (most of the countries are in the northern hemisphere Global North and Global South - Wikipedia). I’ve got very big help from tens of volunteer TAs including many Stan, PyMC3, and ArviZ developers. The course would not be possible without them ❤️. My course is quite advanced, and it would be useful to organize one closer, e.g., to the level of Regression and Other Stories.
If you need any specific information regarding UNINOVE, Brazil or the courses/research projects let me know.
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